Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am joining Joyce over at This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge today!

So let’s get to it!

1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do.

How can I just pick one. I have not sat down and actually made out a Bucket List but if I did there are a lot of things I would put on it.

Experience the Northern Lights

Walk on the Great Wall of China

Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam

Visit the Holy Land

Go to Rome, Paris, England, New Zealand, Spain, Australia, Ireland, Easter Island, Bali, Tahiti…

Participate in a CIA Boot Camp and Cooking Vacation

A fall tour of the east coast and New England

Visit the Smithsonian

Win the lottery so I can afford to do all these amazing things….hmmmm looks to me like I have started my Bucket List….

2. What makes a good dad?

Those of us with father issues know exactly the character traits of a good father. Thankfully my daughter will never have to know a life without her daddy! First and foremost he leads by example, he works side by side in the mission field with her whenever he gets the opportunity. He strives every day to seek what Jesus calls him to be and do, in his role as a man, husband and father! He nurtures her, her protects her, he provides for her, he treasures her, he laughs with her, he cries with her, he holds her accountable, he sets the standard for her behavior, he is laying the foundation for her. One day when she meets her future husband she will have a very clear picture of what a good man looks like because she will have her dad as an a example.

3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?

I am not real fond of Grand Daddy Long Leg Spiders. The have a nasty way of sneaking up on you!

4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?

This week the grill is taking a sabbatical. The Hubs is out of town and the DD is on Choir Tour with our church’s youth choir….ya know what that means. It’s me and the dog all by our lonesome this week.

However, when we do crank up the grill it is a little chicken or pork or maybe a steak every now and again. We love tossing the veggie on the grill too. I will take a big head of broccoli and cut up the spears lengthwise and then marinate them in some Italian salad dressing, maybe toss in a few Portobello mushroom or some asparagus or even some thick diagonally sliced zucchini or Vidalia onion and toss them on the grill. YUM!

5. Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?

We were not HUGE sports enthusiast when both my kids were little, consequently neither of them were involved in extra curricular sports like softball or football. I know that it can become a lifestyle for those who really get involved. It all seems to go over my head and seems a bit out of proportion sometimes when entire weekends/summers and thousands of dollars are spent in the process.

I would open the back door and herd both mine outside to go and play. They had the sandbox, the creek, their bikes, the tree swing, we went to the park to play, they had neighborhood games of hide and seek and flashlight tag in the summer, running through the sprinkler…so for me it would defiantly be PLAYING!

6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?

No, No, No and No!

7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would…hmmmm, I am not sure where to start! I think I would have to say that I used to be a bit overly focused on what other people thought about me. What their impression of me was, did I disappoint, did I make a good impression, did I feel embarrassed about whatever circumstance that was happening in my life. Hitting the BIG 50 a few years ago brought several things with it. A few lot’s and lots’ gray hair’s, a few extra pounds and some heard won pearls of wisdom. Life is hard enough with out trying to please everybody not to mention begin impossible to achieve. The only person I need to please is God and the rest well they can get over it!

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not some crotchety old lady hobbling around whacking folk up-side-the-head with her cane, at least not yet anyway. I enjoy putting a big impressive spread on the table and getting the applause, but if the dinner rolls get burned I just grab the butter knife and scrape off the blackened part and move on.

8. This week I have found myself with a full five days all to myself. It has only happen once before when the Hubs and the DD were on a mission trip. This week I have spent time doing those things you never have time to do like work on the vacation photograph album or watching the movies that no one else want to watch. There were enough leftovers in the frig that so far I have not had to cook anything, do any laundry, run out for a gallon of milk or emergency hair care products. I eat when I get hungry, wake up when I’m done sleeping, get the remote control all to myself and am basically having a wonderful time in my solitude.

What would you do if you found yourself with a whole week all by yourself?

Well that does it for me for this Wednesday Hodgepodge, for more WH fun y’all head over to This Side of the Pond and link up!




Sherrie said…
Great answers to the questions. Enjoy your week all alone. Have a great day!

Food for Thought
Skoots1moM said…
we should work on the bucket lists together...i'd enjoy an east coat/fall tour ;)
Joyce said…
I enjoy the solitude but have a little too much of it. I try to make a list when I know I'll have a week like that (or two), otherwise I waste so much time and feel like a slug when its all over. Watching movies and scrapbooking, etc. are not considered wasting time in case you're wondering : )

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