
Showing posts with the label Sunset

Beach Vacay Day Three ~ Dark Clouds

Day three unfolded the same as the day before. After breakfast, we headed down to the beacht. However after a few minutes..... ...we began to notice some very looming dark clouds off in the distance. We were able to get in a few hours of beach time before the dark clouds lumbered in. We had to rapidly pack up and race back to the condo before the thunder and lightning hit. God is good and the thunderstorm did not last very long. Our evening cocktail and stroll was just gorgeous! I was again basking in the solitude of the beach! Is this not gorgeous, I keep using that word! Outstanding, spectacular, breathtaking, amazing..... Meanwhile back at the condo...I had a few minor issues with the refrigerator. The setting was a bit off and several things froze. The strawberries I had brought with me.....FROZE SOLID! I was regretfully forced to alter my menu and suffer through a frozen strawberry cocktail while we relaxed after our evening stroll! Oh woe...

Beach Vacay Day Two

Day Two.... After a wonderful nights sleep, we hit the beach after breakfast. I had been looking forward to sinking my toes down into the sand for so long. I was good y'all! In a perfect world, our condo would have been just a few steps away from the beach. However, due to circumstances beyond our control (conflicts on the Hubs office calendar, we had to adjust our dates to accommodate his work schedule) plus, the place we had originally wanted to stay at was no longer available for the new dates we needed. There were also some financial constraints (I don't know about y'all, but that money tree in the backyard just isn't producing like it is supposed to!) So ya make adjustments and move forward. Our condo was about a 5 to 10-minute walk to the beach, not perfect, but it was still the beach. My saving grace was the clubhouse and pool. Once set up at the beach it was a very short walk up to the pool and restroom. I could lounge to my hearts content and then hea...

Project 365 ~ Week 40:

Hey There Y’all! Here is my week. Sunday, September 30 Sometime I can be a bit of a night owl. The curse of the fluctuating hormones. I found myself unable to sleep Saturday evening so I thought maybe a nice warm shower would help. Just call me graceful! I have a bathroom rug just outside my shower so normally I can maneuver myself from the shower to the closet with out incident. However the evil bathroom fairies chose to manipulate the bathroom space time continuum and I placed one foot down on the bathroom rug and with the other I stepped off onto the floor. WHAM! The next thing I knew there I was in a heap of wet towel and 52 year old limbs splayed out on my bathroom floor. Now remember that it’s after midnight, the Hub's is soundly snoring in the bed and I am laying on the bathroom floor…visions of the commercial “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” are running through my head. I am surprised the loud thumb didn't wake the hubs from his sleep but he managed to slumber...

Project 365 ~ Week 37

Hey There y’all! As weeks go it was a good one so let get right at it! Sunday, September 9 Muffinhead spent the night with us on Saturday night. I could not resist snapping off a picture of this sweet little sleeping beauty before I woke her up to get ready for church. I shared with you last week about the furniture that the Hubs went and picked up from his mom. Well In addition to the bedroom furniture and the dinning room table he brought home his old desk. I have been wanting some kind of desk for my sitting room off the master bedroom. This is a bit smaller that I had wanted, but one does not look a gift horse in the mouth. It will certainly suffice until I can get something more to my liking, not to mention get my bible study paraphernalia off of the far end of my kitchen table. Monday, September 10 I think the transformation from dog to human has been fully achieved. Buster has now decided that his favorite place to sit in the back yard is lounging in the chair under the ...

Project 365 ~ Week 33

Sunday, August 12 The Lord was doing His usual awesome work. The sunset was just breathtaking. I had to run inside an grab the camera! Monday, August 13 Muffinhead loves to brush Grandma’s hair. Confession: Grandma love to have her hair brushed. I will submit to those sweet little hands any time she likes! Why is is that when you brush your own hair it is just a task but when someone else brushes it if feels so wonderful???? Thursday, August 16 Muffinhead was my little kitchen helper and unloaded the silverware from the dishwasher. She has her own unique take on how to organize the silverware drawer. Friday, August 17 At Last! My first pottery pieced glazed and out of the kiln! I was very happy with how they turned out. Here is a better representation of the size of the bowls. They are very small really, note the Willow Tree Angle and wine cork to help you gauge how small these first bowl really are. I am finding that the longer I work with the clay the more at ease I ...

A Luau : Oh Wow!

What Hawaii vacation would be complete with out a Luau? In all the pre vacation research I did, I found that the Grand Wielia hosted a Luau several nights a week so I booked our reservations even before we left! Very convenient! Earlier in the day I had notices that they were setting up for a wedding and as we were walking to the Luau it was in progress. Well you can call me miss nosy puss because I had to snap off a picture. It was a gorgeous night for an out door dinner. The breeze was blowing and the evening was just perfect!  This lovely woman was our host and she lead us through the evening. She was a wonderful hostess and explained all the Hawaiian customs and narrated all of the entertainment.  We got both Hawaiian Tattoo's, temporary and mine came off in the shower before bedtime, the hubs lasted a bit longer. This is the pit for the Kaula Pig. It had been slow cooking since 5:00 AM over a bed of hot coals lines with rock and then wrapped up and covered in...