
Showing posts with the label MK 14:36

There’s something about Worship.

There are times when it is easy to be witty and share about a lost coffee scoop , then there are moment when life is so real and so clear and God’s plan for how things are supposed to work is so very apparent . Even when things don’t seem to go the way I think they should God has an amazing way in showing me that even in sadness and heartbreak there is great hope. I think Sunday mornings are my favorite day of the week. The expectation of coming together in the house of the Lord, the anticipation of a shared experience, the deep soul thirsty feeling that gets satiated with the lifting up of hands and the bending of a knee. Having the word of God opened up and delivered in a unique way. A song that touches a tender place with in my heart. In worship this morning, as it happens quite often these days I am moved to tears as the music washes over me. Part of my emotional response is simply a filling up of how amazing my God truly is and the other part is a deep desire to see my prayers fu...