Study Method

1. C is for Character: When you read a passage from Scripture, ask yourself and the Holy Spirit:
“What does this reveal about God’s character?”

2. C is for Condition: When you read a passage of Scripture, ask yourself and the Holy Spirit:
“What does this reveal about the condition of my heart?”

3. C is for Change: After you read Scripture, ask yourself and the Holy Spirit:
“How do I need to change so the condition of my heart matches up with the character of Christ?”

4. C is for Communicate: As you are reading Scripture, ask yourself and the Holy Spirit:
“Am I taking time to truly communicate with God? Am I listening to Him, thanking Him, and talking to Him, or just rushing through it?”

5. Where is my plumb line? Does my life, my actions, my attitude line up with the truth of God’s Word?

O=Observation - Who's speaking & to whom. Where are they, etc.

I=Interpretation - What does it mean?

A=Application - How do I apply it?

Where is my plumb line? Does my life, my actions, my attitude line up with the truth of God’s Word?


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