
Showing posts with the label Rivers

What are the rivers in your life?

This small sentence from today’s “Streams in the Desert” really spoke to me. “We must not overlook the fact that faith on our part helps God to carry out His plans.” I have to ask myself how many times does my doubt or my fear of a situation or possible my unwillingness to be obedient hinder God’s plan? The truth is that God never needs my help, but He always wants me to yield to His plan. He always wants me to be molded into a more Christ like person. I am the clay and He is the Heavenly potter. I must be willing to submit to His molding, I must be pliable and allow myself to be shaped into whatever vessel He would have me be. It is my faith in Him that gives me the strength to proceed with a difficult task I may be asked to do. It is my faith in God that gives me the perseverance to continue to pray over a seemingly hopeless situation. It is my faith that will eventually turn my perception of hopelessness into an eternal truth that God’s promises never fail ( JER 21:44). It is that...