What are the rivers in your life?

This small sentence from today’s “Streams in the Desert” really spoke to me.

“We must not overlook the fact that faith on our part helps God to carry out His plans.”

I have to ask myself how many times does my doubt or my fear of a situation or possible my unwillingness to be obedient hinder God’s plan? The truth is that God never needs my help, but He always wants me to yield to His plan. He always wants me to be molded into a more Christ like person. I am the clay and He is the Heavenly potter. I must be willing to submit to His molding, I must be pliable and allow myself to be shaped into whatever vessel He would have me be.

It is my faith in Him that gives me the strength to proceed with a difficult task I may be asked to do.

It is my faith in God that gives me the perseverance to continue to pray over a seemingly hopeless situation.

It is my faith that will eventually turn my perception of hopelessness into an eternal truth that God’s promises never fail (JER 21:44).

It is that faith that pushes out the hidden doubt that at times creeps into my day. Not doubt in the Lord but doubt in myself to follow through.

The scripture reference for today was Joshua 3:13

JOS 3:13 And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD--the Lord of all the earth--set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap."

The Jordan River was at its peek, they were standing beside this deep and rushing water and they know what they have been asked to do. They have to make it to the other side. God has promise them He will deliver them into the land of milk and honey. They are standing there looking as the rushing water holding the Ark high above their heads, the raging river stands in-between them and God's promise.

How great is God! He never pushes us or forces us to do anything, He wants our (my) willing obedience, and as soon as the priests (or me) set their feet in the water look what He did. The waters were cut off and they stood up in a heap.

In reading the footnotes on this passage I am posed with a very interesting question:

What are the rivers or obstacle in my life?

It also points out that God often provides no solution until I am willing to completely trust Him and move forward, to step into the water, to do what I know in my heart He is asking me to do.

So today I look at the raging rive in my life (my rebellious teenager) and I commit to continue to pray that it will be held up in a heap so that I can walk through to the other side on the rock solid ground that are the never failing promises of my God.

The bottom line is, God wants everyone to come to know Him(2PE 3:9), this includes my son. I have to keep my focus on praying persistently and praying even when I don’t feel like praying. I must pray continually (1TH 5:17), and even when I reach my very limit and I am overwhelmed with life and can not see through my frustration, anger and tears I know that the Holy Spirit interceded for me with groans that words can not express (Rom 8:26).

So what are the rivers in your life? Wade in with me.


Anonymous said…
Something else interesting about that passage - the water didn't part for the priests until they put their foot in. They had to take that initial step of faith believing that God was actually going to come through. It must have looked bleak. There was probably no assurance other than the promise of God that it was going to be easy going. The water was at FLOOD STAGE. Completely overwhelming. Faith is big.

Something else that catches my attention in that passage is verse 5: "consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." We pray today, we confess today, we take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us - TODAY, so that tomorrow we're ready to bask in a mighty work of God.

It's always hard work, but, praise Him, those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy! Perseverance is always eventually rewarded.

I don't say all this because I don't think you know it, I'm just celebrating the greatness of our God!

Stay strong, chica. This, like all trials, just lasts for a season.

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