
Showing posts with the label Anxiety

Sometime ya just need a keyboard...

there are some things I know for sure! the evil one works harder to deter those of faith because the victory will be sweeter if he can succeed. I knew that tapping away on my phone would hinder my process this morning so I had to dust off the laptop to get these thoughts out of my head this morning. Me in my jammies this morning....good morning y'all! I know the truth, I also know who the ruler of the air is. Last night I spent several hours having great discussion with the Lord. The evil one would place unwanted thoughts in my head. I would take them captive, place them in God's hands and allow Him to usher them back out.  Would that I could do this but once and have it be done and over with.  Sadly being the weak willed human I am unwanted thoughts creep in and I have to deal with them. The reality is that the evil one know right where to strike. He knows where my underbelly is.  My other more important truth is that God is...

A Bucket of Melancholy: The hores are moaning…

It seams I can no longer form a complete thought. For the past few days I will walk over to the computer and open up my profile and click on my lovely live writer icon and then just sit and stare at the blank page. Being determined to post something just so that I can say that I did complete at least one task this week I will attempt to bang out a few thoughts. I am sure I have a thought in my head but right now they revolve around wanting to submerge myself in a chocolate sundae or pomegranate martini while ignoring all the important aspects of my maternal and wifely duties. The DD is getting ready to go on a church choir tour, she leaves on Sunday and she was having a mild panic attack at the concept of not having the proper eye shadow or coordinating headbands to take on the trip. So it was of CRITICAL importance that we go shopping. We did get the eye shadow but alas there were NO CUTE headbands, the choir tour may be in danger of being a major disaster speaking from a strictly f...

From Point A to Point B…or the best thing I can say about air travel is that we did not crash and burn

Well it was defiantly one for the history book y’all! I am going to try to consolidate my vacation post’s to a minimum of three possibly four…OK, OK maybe five given further thought. That’s my goal anyway. During our summer trip last year I started the habit of keeping my journal close at hand to record my various insights. It was hit or miss for me as we drove around. I managed to keep up with most of the days while we were touring all the different parks but I missed a few days and there are some major holes in the time line! This time around I had a bit more down time in the evenings so I was able to make a more detailed recap of each day. Sometime I even jotted things down while in route if it was particularly interesting or out of the ordinary. Skoots1mom gave me this sweet little notebook, I have had it for some time and it just seemed to be perfect for the occasion. I either kept it in my back pocket or in the side pocket of my purse. It is nearly filled to the brim with ou...

Come with me to a land of baby tomato plants, sandy beaches, emotional terrorist and happy fairies…well maybe not

From time to time I find it necessary to escape from reality. When life become to…well lifelike I know it’s time for a mental vacation . It was early spring and the pollen was keeping her from opening her windows. She could watched the yellow clouds of pollen swirl around outside as the wind whipped through her evergreens down the side yard. She lazed around in her jammie’s and enjoyed her coffee. She worked on a post for her blog, she even thought about what she would cook for dinner that evening. Maybe she would go to the Home Depot and buy her tomato seedlings and some basil and her other spring plantings for her vegetable garden. She took another sip of her coffee and wrinkled her nose as she found it cold having sat by her keyboard to long. She walked to the kitchen and refilled her cup and the wonderful fragrance of the roasted Columbian beans wafted up from her mug. She added a generous helping of non-dairy creamer and watched it swirl around. She loved that color, it was a s...

Snarling, anxious and just down right overwhelmed…

Well I have had a few hours to calm myself down.  I got a hefty dose of my tax dollars being spent in the most inefficient means possible this morning. High School Registration. Oh My Stars! Now I am not a rocket scientist however I do believe I could logically lay out the campus of a high school in a more efficient manner than the county system we have in place. I will also say that whoever published the map of the current layout of the building should get a big fat ‘F” in my book. PLUS, I would seriously like to know who’s brilliant idea numbering the rooms with decimals is? Seriously what wrong with good old fashioned numbers. I think I am capable of figuring out how to get to room 507  without the aid of a decimal. I can even read a map if it’s oriented properly, which this one wasn’t. I have never in all my born days experience anything as confusing or ridiculous as the layout of the high school that the DD will be attending. As soon as I can form a cohere...

Or Suppose…

Travel Anxiety , do y’all struggle with it? Yesterday I was in the thick of vacation planning. We have some big plans over the summer and I was making reservations, printing off confirmations, searching the internet for things to do and basically making myself nuts. Terms like “non-refundable” and “Cancelation Fee’s” were rolling before my eyes. I felt the anxiety well up with in me almost to the point of tear as I watched my list of available hotels getting smaller and smaller. I had visions of us sleeping on the side of the road in our rental car, with nothing but the contents of our back seat cooler to sustain us for the foreseeable future. The endless list of things to do are wandering in and out of my brain, get the car adapter for the laptop, make sure we have enough batteries, do I have enough sunscreen in those small 3 ounce bottle to pass the airport security? Then in the midst of finalizing one last reservation the DD walks into the kitchen and looks at me and my husb...