
Showing posts with the label EX 15

Three words.......

The other day during my bible study our facilitator opened up our study time with a prayer. Now this in itself is not unusual, we always open with a word of prayer. What I noticed were three words she spoke at the end of her prayer. After the prayer was over I leaned over and whispered to a friend that these words brought back a memory of my grandmother. I do not recall a prayer from her mouth that did not include these three words. It is one of those regrets in life that I learned the hard way, I wish now I had paid more attention to those precious moments and possible written some of them down, but sadly I did not. The ignorance of youth and the illusion that we have all the time in the world is such a fantasy. I have such a clear picture of my grandmother sitting at the head of our table and bowing her beautiful silver haired head to bless our meal. Her hands were so gnarled from arthritis that it was painful to look at them but none the less she would lift them and attempt to place...