
Showing posts with the label Squall Line

Squall Line....I had to get this of my chest!!

(Edit-I forgot to mention Beverly @ Dancing with the Daffodils host Squall Line on the first and third Tuesday of the month so go over and check it out!!! ) I have been blog hopping for that last several minutes in the hope that I would find a germ of an idea or even a tiny spark that would blossom into a coherent thought or even a humorous recollection. You all are wonderfully witty,inspired, thought provoking and I was with great hope wishing  it would rub off on me, alas I remain hopelessly uninspired so I decided that whining was preferable to remaining silent.  One of my favorite lines from Steel Magnolias " You know what they say? If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me! "  So here goes, I have found myself growing quite tired of all the Jenny Craig, Nutri-system commercials.  The latest from Jenny Craig has sent me over the edge. I am sure you have seen the new campaign with Phylicia Rashad , we should all wish to look as good as she does, I find ...