
Showing posts with the label Bucket List

Orange Marmalade….it makes me think of my Grandma

Back in June I posted about My Bucket List , you know all the things you want to do before you pass through the pearly gates. Well there are a lot of very wonderful places all around the worlds that are all worthy candidates. However living with limited resources one must be realistic. Dreaming about amazing places and even one day getting to check a few off my list are goals to aspire to. But it got me to thinking about the things that we can all do every day. Those things that are within or grasp. Improving our minds, growing closer to friends and family. Learning new things. I think for me one of the things that I have come to realize is that getting older is more about your state of mind. I know my body at times is very uncooperative as far as what I think I should be able to accomplish. However that does not mean that I need to yield to the process and just stop trying to learn new things. One of my all time favorite simple pleasures is Orange Marmalade. It always reminds me of ...

I see, You See…Skoots1mom and Me Made Sushi!

I was inspired by Sara over at Make Music From Your Heart To The Lord . She had a Sushi Party at her house a few weeks ago. It looked like so much fun and since I love sushi I asked the popular Be Still and Know question: How hard Could It Be? Y’all it was super fun and not very hard. The most difficult thing about the whole thing was actually making the rice and that was not hard just a bit more time consuming that making regular rice, but still very easy. It is a bit ingredient heavy but still it was well worth the effort to do all the prep work and y’all the end result was really good! On Saturday I made a trip to my ever popular H-Mart for some authentic sushi ingredients. I spent just under $30.00 and I have enough sesame seeds to last me the rest of my life, the sushi mat’s are reusable and the rice and vinegar will last me a long time as well. So all total if I had to guess I would say that maybe we had $10.00 tallied up in ingredients for enough sushi to feed 4 folks! You ca...

Thanks Kim, Part Two…

Hmmm why do I think a trip to the H-Mart is in my future. Hey Skoots1mom ! Wanna have a sushi lunch party next week? Blessings R

Thanks Kim!

Gotta Love YouTube!

Bucket List

If you have seen the movie The Bucket List then you know where the idea come from. We have all done it at one point in our lives. We begin to think and dream about all the tings that we have done in our lives and think about all the things that we would hope to do in the future. In my last Wednesday Hodgepodge the first question was: 1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do. I began to think of all the wonderful places and things I hope to do one day. Experience the Northern Lights Walk on the Great Wall of China Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam Visit the Holy Land Go to Rome, Paris, England, New Zealand, Spain, Australia, Ireland, Easter Island, Bali, Tahiti… Participate in a CIA Boot Camp and Cooking Vacation A fall tour of the east coast and New England Visit the Smithsonian Win the lottery so I can afford to do all these amazing things…. After I hit the post button this question stayed in my head for...

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am joining Joyce over at This Side of the Pond for Wednesday Hodgepodge today! So let’s get to it! 1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do. How can I just pick one. I have not sat down and actually made out a Bucket List but if I did there are a lot of things I would put on it. Experience the Northern Lights Walk on the Great Wall of China Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam Visit the Holy Land Go to Rome, Paris, England, New Zealand, Spain, Australia, Ireland, Easter Island, Bali, Tahiti… Participate in a CIA Boot Camp and Cooking Vacation A fall tour of the east coast and New England Visit the Smithsonian Win the lottery so I can afford to do all these amazing things….hmmmm looks to me like I have started my Bucket List…. 2. What makes a good dad? Those of us with father issues know exactly the character traits of a good father. Thankfully my daughter will never have to know a life without her daddy! ...