
Showing posts with the label Focus

The Temple of Doom to Hee Haw

Today is the first day of summer vacation, my blossoming new teenager is sleeping late, I am remembering my wedding day some 26 years ago, there is a thin layer of dust on the hardwood floors in my sunroom, several stacks of folded towels waiting to be put away in the middle of my living room floor and I am listening to the birds outside as I compose this post. I am not sure that I have anything deep to share with you this morning, but in an effort to avoid the dust and the towels (or wake my child) I will forge ahead. I have moments when things are so very clear, when I feel that the words just come and a miracle happens and they actually make sense. Quite possibly this in not one of these moments. Today what comes to my mind is my quiet time. I know I am not alone in my struggle to stay focused during my prayer time, however lately I have found it increasingly difficult to block out the invading thoughts. I will be settled in to pray and then my grocery list will be scrolling through...