I see what you're saying - Christmas Edition 2008

Merry Christmas

Here is my contribution to this years "I see what you're saying - Christmas Edition"

It is breif (3:25 minute video) of the Holidays at my house.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Robin, I never ONCE thought of doing a montage! That is really clever. The great thing about this one is that it's sort of a 3-minute scrapbook of Christmas 2008 for your family someday, which is really great. It's a collage with sound! Thanks for doing this. I know it took some time for all that editing. Blessings, Linda
Anonymous said…
Oh, I could so be there all over again, and I'm coming to eat. Loved the beach and the fire. And I'll have a cappucino, extra dry. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Christmas. Have a blessed new year.
Deven said…
Sweet idea! Thanks for sharing your Christmastime.
What a fun idea. I have to admit I'm a little jealous of the beach time.
Wow, the editing s incredible. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that!
larkswing said…
That was fun and great - but I think you should have covered us all with at least a "y'all come back now, ya hear?" LOL Very good video!
Sara@iSass said…
Cute video! So jelious of the beach! Oh those waves sound wonderful. It's snowing outside my window, which it so pretty but we all know that is COLD with snow. Which wouldn't be so bad if I had a fireplace too!
Carol said…
Wow! You're quite the video editor. I can't even run the camera. Nicely done!
CIELO said…
Very uplisting blog... thanks for the Bible quote, and for reminding me of all the good things by walking the God.... and thanks for stopping to smell the roses at the house in the roses... ;)

Ohilda said…
Great video! It truly encompassed everything that Christmas is...plus the goodies! YUM!
Cute holiday Christmas collage!
Kim said…
Oooooh, love your Christmas gift! I'm sure you're having lots of fun with that :-)
Deven said…
Sweet idea! Thanks for sharing your Christmas.
Kelly said…
Great job. I'm always impressed with people who know how to edit. I can only shoot & print. Thanks for the peak at your Christmas.
Rachel said…
The Cake looked delicious! And how nice to have musicians in the house! The beach looks lovely but we had alot of fun in our Christmas snow so I guess I can't complain. I wish you would have shares your southern twang with us though! I would have loved to hear you!

It was great to "see" how nice your holiday was!
That was so neat! Nice to "meet" you
sara said…
that was great! I wish I knew how to do that! It took me all day and my kid's help to get my video uploaded!!
Paula V said…
Unique video...love the pool/beach scenes. The credits were adorable.

I like the new brown layout of your blog.

Good job.
Becky said…
That was a great montage! Very busy holiday for you but joyful that way.

PS. I like the twang ;-)
Greg C said…
And just what is wrong with a southern twang? LOL Great idea though. Why can I never think of things like this?
My ADHD Me said…
This was a fun video to watch...although I would have loved to hear your TWANG. We have them in Virginia too...just like "ya'll".
Wow Robin! This was great! I was a bit confused at first with the beach scenes...I never think of Christmas at the beach; and I grew up in the Texas Gulf Coast area! Duh!

It didn't take me too long to catch on, though. :-)

OH and the cake looked scrumptious...and we do peanut blossoms every year, too. :-D

Nice to meet you!
I am ready to visit a beach, on a long vacation....a very long vacation!!

Great job!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I wanted to hear your twang! Christmas at the beach...doesn't seem right somehow. Great vlog!
Mama2hre said…
I loved the prayer shawl, it's beautiful! The flower pot soldiers are adorable and the beach shots. Oh, the beach shots! It looks like your Christmas was VERY merry! Have a blessed New Year! Thanks for sharing your vlog today! I'm having so much fun watching everyones videos! :)
Jendi said…
I liked the pastry snowflakes.
Cookies, and the beach, and a warm fire! Who could ask for anything more? :)

from http://jendisjournal.com/
Skoots1moM said…
i couldn't get my videos to load to my movie maker...i'm so disappointed. i edited some stills and they're boring but I guess better than nothing...
Beverlydru said…
I enjoyed your video and the rest of your blog too. I too just started blogging at the beginning of 2008 and I'm amazed at how much fun it is. Happy New Year!

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