Just a Giggle to start the day

Several days ago a sweet friend sent me an email with several Maxine cartoons attached.
The older I get the more similar Maxine and I become.


Paula V said…
Cute and funny. She is funny indeed.
Cyndy said…
Okay, I can totally relate to this sentiment! After this last election season I am sick to death of both sides of the aisle. Run 'em over!

And even if you can't sew I still like you! I used to be the queen of stitch ripping...I don't know what changed and when but I handle the whole sewing thing much better now and actually enjoy it. And of course you like to crochet which is sort of like sewing...kinda...in a way. :)
Kim said…
hehehehe This was too funny!

I totally missed your ornament party on Wednesday, due to recovering from a nightmare shopping trip into Cordoba on Tuesday. I'm trying to get my living room decorated this weekend. Would it be okay if I came back and linked up later? Or would that be going against B'ville protocol. Not sure what's acceptable and what's not.
Kathleen said…
There's something so very "sassy" about Maxine. I like that girl!


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