Oh my stars, I got a blog award.

The Lemonade Award

Which recognizes blogs that reveal great attitude and/or gratitude.

My sweet accountability sister and fellow blogger skoots1mom honored me with an award.
I have to tell you that there are not many people who you can completely count on in this life. I know that with out reservation that the friendship we share is one that is built on trust, love and a shared belief in our Heavenly Father. She is one of my dearest friends and has on many occasions been the strength that has held me up when I simply could not bear up under the weight of some very dark valleys.

In an effort to be obedient (well maybe halfway obedient, like skoots1mom I am only going to honor a few of my blogging friends) I am following the directions and passing this award on to several bloggers that I read that for me bring so many different things to my life, not to mention the specified great attitude of gratitude.

Sassy Granny has a unique wit and depth, you may read about history, science, her daily life or just what’s on her mind. I enjoy stopping by for my daily dose of this Sassy Granny. I can now claim my gray hair and unattractive neck as “credentials”. Now I call that a great attitude. Love ya Sassy Granny

http://walkingfaithfully.blogspot.com/: I just love her blog, what can I say the chicken stories and the puppy stories and in general her outlook on life are a breath of fresh air. I feel a kindred spirit with her desire to live simple and frugally. I love her tips and her attitude of appreciation for the simple things of life.

http://meyersonthehood.blogspot.com/: I love her sense of humor, her perspective, her attitude. I find her post to be filled with a sharp wit as well as a true heartfelt caring for those she loves.

Just Ruthie: I love reading about her memories of China, her perspective and her attitude of gratitude, oh and she just became a great granny!!!

I could go on and on and on. Yet I simply do not have time to nominate all of you as I have a Christmas family gathering at my house tomorrow and a company Christmas party tonight and my bathrooms need to be cleaned blab la bla bla…….life happenes while your are posting to your blog.

I have found this exploration into self expression with the written word through blogging one of my most rewarding experiences I have done in a very long time.
It began on a whim and now nearly a year later I have found that it is a source of comfort, friendship, strength, a laugh when it is needed most as well as a sense of connection to something much bigger than myself.
So now here are the rules for this award:

• Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
• Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
• Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
• Share the love and link to this post to the person from whom you received your award.


Kathleen said…
How fun! And what a splendid endorsement of all things sassy!

Thank you for the honor. We grey-hairs know how to have a good time.

Terri Tiffany said…
Congrats on your award!!
Cyndy said…
Wow! You like me! You really like me!
Thank you so much Robin, I'm humbled and honored by your kind words. (And the linky-love!)

Love, Cyndy
Skoots1moM said…
ur too sweet...
we're off to the mtns for retreat...keep us in prayer

i did fav 5 today, it was fun...come join us! i posted a cute pic of dd

praying for a WONDERFUL, stress-free day 2morrow; what a blessing 2 have family 2gether, looking past passed mistakes...loving the NOW and building for the future! You will be a wonderful hostess and Christ will be your co-pilot 'cause he's got it under control...so no matter what happens, you're on AUTO PILOT!!
Diane Meyer said…
I am making Christmas cookies, it just started snowing a bit and you gifted me with some sweet words and thoughts as well as an award. How great is my day?
Thank you so much, friend.

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