Project 365 – Week 17

Better late than never. It seems that my technical difficulties may be a bad hard drive. Sad but turn since this is a practically brand new hard drive recently purchased in January of this year. Keep your finders crossed that there may be some manufactures warranty still in effect.

So after a few moment of gnashing of teeth and lamenting I have gotten Live Writer downloaded onto me desk top and I am temporarily making my home in a fixed position in the corner r of the sunroom. DRAT, but I am still thankful that I at least have a computer to work from!!!!!

So with out further ado… her is my week a few missing days I’m sad to say!

Sunday, April 18

I guess I must have take full advantage of the Sabbath, as there were no pictures taken!

Monday,April 19

My list for the day. Are you a list maker????? I am a huge list maker. I get such a sense of accomplishment when I see my list all crossed out if I have managed to get them all crossed out at the end of the day


It is almost ready!!!


Tuesday, April 20

A morning Surprise!


Wednesday, April 21

Almost every week we say the same thing “ Some one needs to be spanked!” because every week someone from the Prayer Shawl Ministry will make the round to the local goodwill stores.  Almost every week we are astounded at the pieces we have added to our cabinet. Some of them look like they have never even been used.

Look at this beautiful afghan that was picked up at the goodwill!!!!!!


Thursday, April 22

It’s a new game y’all!

I plant it in here!!!!


Later that day….Buster digs it out and leaves it here!


Good Times, at least for him anyway!


Friday, April 23

A little over a month ago Skoots1mom, me and another dear friend were eating lunch when God showed up and showed me what I was going to be doing in a few weeks!  (Click here if you want to read how this all started.)

Well Friday morning I woke up early and headed out the “Lawrenceville Co-Op Vegetable Garden” It is not far from where I live. I packed up my garden gloves and my shovel and a cooler full of water bottles. The ground had been tilled and the rows were ready and it was time to get the plants and seeds in the ground.

I planted probably 50 tomato plants, there were 105 all total planted, we planted corn, okra, butter peas, and squash.  All the vegetable we harvest will go directly to the local food co-operative. Since the economy has taken such a downward spiral both the local food banks in our area have been struggle with the high demand and have had a very difficult time keeping the shelves stocked with enough food to service the demand from those who are in need.

Well can you image the surprise when a food bank client walks out in a few weeks with not only the expected canned goods but a home grown fresh tomato or a few ears of fresh corn or a mess of green beans or okra?

IMG_1604  IMG_1606 IMG_1607  IMG_1611

Y’all I got home with a bit of a sunburned, a few nasty ant bites, covered in dirt and really really tired, but I had such a wonderful time getting in the dirt for the Lord. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to know that just the simple act of planting a tomato seedling is going to yield something more than just a tomato.

It was just too much fun. I can’t wait for harvest time!

Saturday, April 24

It was a rainy, drizzly kinda chilly lazy day. I spent the day watching the rain soak my new veggie patch and resting. So I’m down for two days with no pictures this week!

If you want to see more 365’ers then head over to Sara’s blog for more!




Skoots1moM said…
a manufacturer's warranty would surely be GREAT!

Thank goodness for your desk top!

I haven't participated in two weeks..I'm way behind.

crossed out lists ARE great...I haven't gotten mine started yet this tummy is being unhappy today, so I'm doing good to get dinner on the table tonight

Gorgeous flower shot...
You're right, it is beautiful!
Buster digs it out...I'd be digging him you weren't happy
Your shovel surely was busy...
Corn, okra, butter peas, and squash--yummo!

We might have to have some classes to teach them what to do with fresh, home grown veggies...most are NOT used to having to work with fresh, I'm sure.

That was a GOOD really, really tired wasn't it??!!!!

I'll be glad to help @ harvest time if you need help...we could have a day of 'pickling' too...When are ya'll gonna get chickens so we can give them eggs?

Great week of posts, girl!!
The Bug said…
Wow, you have most EXCELLENT handwriting. My lists are darn near illegible - even to me!

That is such a great thing you're doing with the coop - here's praying that it thrives so the people who receive the food thrive!
Kim said…
Sorry about the technical difficulties!
I was even later than you with Project 365 this week and I had no excuse! LOL
I had irises that color in my yard at the parsonage. Loved them! Also miss my lilacs. (On the up side, it's the equivalent to your late October and my roses are still blooming!)
I've picked up a few hand-knitted or crocheted items at Goodwill too -- what were some people thinking?! Love that color of the afghan :-)
What a wonderful idea to plant a co-op garden!
Have a wonderful week :-)
riTa Koch said…
Wonderful opportunity and response to God's open door. I went back and read your previous post, watched the trailer, and now want to go get the movie!
Beautiful iris! A bit early for ours.
Lists? Yes, every day. I tear off a page from an old daily calendar and make my to-do list for the day. I heard you should aim to accomplish seven per day. :)
I am SUCH a huge list maker! It's almost sick.

I'm so glad for you that you have chosen to bless others with the literal fruits of your labor. How fun and exciting to grow a garden, especially knowing it will feed many with good, fresh food. Yay for you!!

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