God is trying to tell me something…

I’ve shared with y’all before that I am a bit of a movie hound. I love a good movie, I even enjoy a mediocre mover from time to time. The Color Purple is an all time favorite of mine. But me loving movies really has nothing to do with the subject of this post. The short clip I’m sharing however does have everything to do with the subject matter of this post.

In reviewing this clip again before I posted it I had this wonderful thought.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if every time God chose to speak he would do it so boldly. Just think about it for a minute.

God bursting though the door surrounded by trombones, and tambourines and a crowd of singers and dancing angels to accompany his message. However I don't think God would wear a bright yellow dress while doing it, but I could be wrong about that one too.

Over the course of the last few days I have had two experiences when I have had the distinct impression that God is trying to tell me something or direct me to action. The second one is a very easy one and one in which I am so over the top excited about I can hardily contain myself.

Yesterday after bible study as skoots1mom, me and one of my other accountability sisters (she does not blog, we are still working on her about this but with little success) met for lunch. We ran into one of our other church friends. On a side note one of the things I really enjoy about going to my church, large though it may be, is that is not uncommon to run into a member of the body when your out an about doing just about anything. But I digress.

Anyway this person stopped by our table on her way out of the restaurant and we had a nice little chat. She just happen to mention that there was a new endeavor being purposed. Several years ago we birthed a new church out of our congregation. This new congregation recently purchased a tract of land with hopes of building a permanent facility upon. Well with the economy being what it is they have had to put these building plans on the back burner for the foreseeable future. Our friend was telling us that our church approached the pastor of The Way with a proposal to use the land to grow vegetables for the local food cooperative.

Y’all it was like a lightning bolt hit me. Shug Avery burst through the door and I just knew that this was something that I need to be involved with. The thought of getting my hands dirty for the Lord to help feed folks who may be hungry is just to exciting. I am beyond thrilled about this and I can’t wait for the land to get cleared and to get my name on the list of volunteers. My fingers are just itching to get in the dirt already in my own back yard garden but this just sounds like too much fun.

I wish all of God’ promptings were as clear as “Pick up your shovel!”

The first prompting is a bit more unclear to me as of yet. I may do a bit of personal laying out of the fleece so to speak, because I need a lot more discernment, direction and confirmation before I am ready to share this one. Let’s just say that it is very personal to me and very humbling, but I am still very unclear about exactly what it is and what it is I am supposed to do. Is that vague enough for all of you!

Have y’all ever had an experience where you just knew it was God talking to you?

What did you do with it?

Have you ever had an experience when you thought it was God but were unsure of what to do next?


Well I know that God’s Word will either confirm or deny all my plans if I am willing to be obedient.  So, as I am sinking my fingers in the dirt I will be praying for direction, discernment, clarity and confirmation.

Well that it for me today!

I would love to hear your thoughts on How God speaks to you.


Y’all make sure you come back tomorrow for Flashback Friday hosted my Mocha with Linda it jus sounds like too much fun!





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