Random Dozen and “I Won…You Win” continues…
Before you get to my Random Dozen I want to let everyone know that Heidi over at 2 Thinks To Share, y’all remember she was the last winner of I Won…You Win, well she has got her giveaway up and running. If you want to toss your name into the wooden shoe to be eligible for the next round of I Won…You Win then head on over to her blog and check it out!
Good Luck y'all!!
Now on to Random Dozen.

1. How do you feel about the marshmallow Easter Peeps?
They are cute to look at but if I am going to enjoy a sweet treat then I want a good handful of jelly beans or some chocolate.
2. Chickens are notoriously nervous creatures. When you are nervous, what is the best way to calm down?
Sometimes I bake, I once went on a muffin/cookie baking marathon during a particularly stressful parental situation. I went through several five pound bags of flour and gave my cookie sheets and muffin tins a good work out. I have also been know to console myself with a good piece of chocolate or giant mocha latte with extra foam, and of course I can always count on the escapist qualities of a really good movie.
3. People say, "April showers bring May flowers." Do you enjoy Spring rains?
Sure, there is nothing more relaxing then listening to a gentle spring rain shower, toss in a good latte or a nice hot cup of tea, a quiet house and good book and that is my definition of a really great afternoon.
4. When I was randomly flipping through TV channels this week, I saw a show in which tattoo parlor employees received tattoos of a co-worker's face on their bodies. I can't imagine having a portrait of a colleague tattooed on me. But if someone forced you to receive a portrait tattoo (face only) of anyone, who would it be? Why?
WOW! How to pick….hmmmmm! All of these could be very likely candidates!
5. Would you rather have a tattoo (any kind) or a nose ring?
Tattoo! Every time we go on vacation to a Caribbean resort or have been on a cruise I always feel a bit left out being the only person without a tattoo, but my regret fades quickly when I think of the long term effects, the pain and that fact that I could never possible make up my mind on what I would have tattooed, both where or what. I can’t decide what I want to hang on my living room wall let alone make a decision on a tattoo that would be with me the rest of my life.
I will also add that being a huge Dancing with the Stars fan I am always a bit put off by the women floating gracefully around the dance floor with there Ginger Rodgers ball gowns with yards of chiffon and sparkly sequins and then they pirouette around and there is giant tattoo across their shoulder blades or a barbed wire tattoo around their bicep. Pamela Anderson has one and it really is very distracting. Kelly Osborne had multiple tattoos last season and it so detracted from the glamour and the beauty of the ball room dancing.
6. Do you have any special plans for Easter?
Church then probably lunch with the family!
7. Cadbury Eggs or Reese Eggs?
Neither, Jelly Beans!!
8. What was the last thing/person you took a picture of?
The blossoming tree in my front yard!
As I collecting various Easter thing yesterday I brought home an egg coloring kit. We had not colored eggs in years. The DD and a neighbor friend spent a few fun minutes yesterday taking a trip down memory lane and colored some Easter Eggs. It was fun y’all!
9. What book are you reading now, or what was the last one?
I am re-reading “Breath of Snow and Ashes” so I can refresh my memory before beginning “Echo in the Bone”
10. What do you think is the most difficult task when it comes to Spring cleaning?
This question implies that you actually participate in the act of Spring Cleaning.
11. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
Two, that I wear all the time, I have others but I’m just to lazy to actually go and count how many there are! Sadly my days of wearing the cute flip flops are over. I have to wear the unattractive kind that give me a bit more support for my old aching feet.
12. Which color makes you happiest?
Yellow, purple and green!
Well that’s it for this weeks edition of Random Dozen. For more participants head over to 2nd Cup of Coffee to see more randomness!
And don’t forget to head over to Heidi’s for more I Won…You Win fun! I can’t wait to see who wins next!!!!!
I wanna try those croc flips... look comfy!
Happy Easter! He is Risen Indeed!
I love coloring eggs! One of the reasons I had kids was so I could color Easter eggs (along with play with play-doh and decorate Christmas cookies...)