Project 365 – Week 12

I was sitting at the dinner table this past Friday and I commented to my husband that this past week actually felt like at least two weeks. I was tired and still had much to do. Greif clouds your judgment and skews the perception of the passage of time. I did however manage to take my pictures this week. I have recognized that one of the things that helps me at least, is to have something else to focus on from time to time to take my mind off of how sad I am. So taking pictures was a wonderful distraction.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Very early Sunday morning the first blossoms began to open on my new cherry tree.


Monday,March 15, 2010

I had some shopping (more opportunities for distraction) to do for a friends birthday and I just happen up on this great coffee mug on CLEARANCE!

We were actually reading Galatians 5 and talking about the Fruit of the Spirit in bible study this week so I figured it was a sign from the Holy Spirit…so I bought the cup.

IMG_0863 IMG_0862

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A funeral. 

I could go for a very long time without ever seeing one of these boxes of funeral home Kleenex's. But the reality is that I will probably see many more of them as the years go by. By the end of the funeral I had a rather large bundle of used Kleenexes in my purse.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Christmas Cactus has started to bloom.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

By Thursday afternoon the Cherry tree was bursting with pinkness!


Friday,March 19, 2010

It blooms!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

It was a week, some very sad things happen but then some very wonderful things happen as well. One year ago my sweet little St. Patrick’s Day Grandbaby arrived. We had a beautiful spring day at the park for her first birthday party. Look at that sky, it almost doesn't even look real it’s so perfect and blue and the clouds were just awesome!


I will try to contain myself as I snapped over 100 images at the party. After the week I had it was a wonderful change to celebrate, laugh and eat cake! The little green shamrock was her very own cake. She had a wonderful time getting all green and sticky with frosting!




I will close with these last two pictures.

I found it wonderfully bitter sweet that just outside the pavilion where we had the party was a very small garden with a plaque.



God is so very good. The week started with a very sad farewell, yet as we ended out the week with a wonderful celebration He showed me that even in my grief and sadness over the loss of Aubrey there is still joy.

It’s been a week y’all.


For more 365’ers head over to Sara and check it out!




Kim said…
I'm so glad the sadness of this week was offset by the celebration of life with your granddaughter's birthday. The photo of her smeared in green is priceless!

Your flower photos are stunning; especially love the cherry blossoms!
The Bug said…
It's SO HARD when unimaginable grief comes, but flowers & green cake show us that life is always renewing. God is there in the sorrow & in the celebration.
God is faithful at giving us happy moments after sad ones... thanks for sharing this week!
Skoots1moM said…
i'm eager to see all your birthday pics...such fun!
Tori said…
Bless your heart Robon for still finding and sharing God's beauty and faithfulness with us all while you are hurting.
Your pictures were all beautiful this week but I think that green frosted baby had to be the sweetest!
Glad your week ended on a happy note. It is hard to move from grief to happy in one week. Loved your pictures. Love & blessings from NC!
RaD said…
Awww... I'm sorry about your loss. But I'm glad you can still celebrate life even in the little things, but especially in a baby's birthday!
Rebecca Jo said…
Wow... I feel like an emotional roller coaster with your pictures! :) That plague & statue just about made me cry!!!

But love a green icing covered face! :)

I cant wait for my cherry tree to blossom like that... cant believe the difference in just a few days... Oh, come on Spring - get my blooms a buddin!
Oh. Wow. To all of it.

The cherry tree is breathtaking. (Always wanted one of those...)

So's the cactus.

Love the "green" baby. ;)

And the statue. So touching. The story. So heartbreaking. I'm ever so sorry. I truly can't imagine that kind of pain...

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