Project 365 – Week 11

Sunday, March 7

I was confirmation Sunday. It is always such a moving experience to see all the young men and women come up to the alter and profess their faith in Jesus Christ and take there first few steps into the faith walk as young adults. The Family member and pastors, lay leaders and retired clergy are all invited to come to the alter l=and lay hand on the young person and pray over them as they are welcomed into the body of Christ. 


And now for a bit of comic relief! Again…NO HE DID NOT COME BACK IN THE HOUSE, not until he had been sufficiently brushed off!


Monday, March 8

I am not sure if I have shared with you all about beginning to use coupons. Well I spent Monday morning clipping out coupons and I had a double whammy as I stopped and got a Sunday paper and then there was the local county paper in my driveway on Sunday morning as well. It’s a freebie that shows up from time to time, I think they pass it out for free in the hope that it will drum up subscriptions. In any even I ended up with a massive pile of coupons, Double the coupons, double the fun, double the carpel tunnel as I sat clipping for over and hour.


Tuesday, March 9

When I went tot the store Tuesday for groceries I found the white envelopes I had my coupons in to be very cumbersome and totally inefficient. So seeing as I was at the Walmart anyway I headed over to the stationary/school supplies isle and what did i find?

I am glad you asked!

These hand dandy coupon file folders.

They are great. I have one for food and one for non-food related items and they fit very well in my purse. The are about the size of a large index card so they are perfect.


Love em!

Wednesday, March 10

It was the first thing I heard Wednesday morning before I got out of bed. The rain pelting against the roof. Is there anything better than waking up to a rain shower?

I headed out the door to bible study in a very steady and very hard rain shower. It rained all day!


At lunch it was still raining and skoots1mom and I sat in these chairs at the local BBQ restaurant waiting for a friend to arrive. We rocked and rocked and listend to the rain, it was very pleasant, cool but pleasant!


Thursday, March 11

Thursday evening I dropped off my girl child for the annual spring break retreat. I left the church parking lot with visions of sugar plums and a complete weekend all to my little self (and the hubs) dancing in my head…


Friday, March 12

Friday brought more rain, and more rain, and more rain which is really good for all the budding spring plants. My new cherry tree is covered with tiny little pink blossoms.



Saturday, March 13

Oooooppppp’s no pictures today. I spent the day lounging around, I did however have a small bout of productivity long enough to pay some bills and tidy up a few other household necessities. I read, I slept, had a date with my husband, all in all it was a really nice day.


Well that’s another 365 under my belt. For more 365’ers head over to Sara  for more.




sara said…
such a wonderful thing to see young people commit their lives to Christ!

I have tried and tried to do coupons over my life and I can't do must be the undisciplined, nondetailed otter in me!!!

yea for spring!!!
Nel said…
I used to have one of the coupon holders, used it all the time. They are so handy. I use coupons but have not gotten in the habit of really clipping again. So as I use them I had them to my hubby to hold until we get to the counter. Of course, I then have to remind him to turn them over...lolol
Your pics are pretty. The rockers on the deck of the BBQ place looks very inviting! Thanks for sharing

until next time... nel
Tori said…
It is always such a blessing to share in others faith isn't it?
That is a ton of coupons you clipped! I am really impressed with how organized you are!
The cherry blossoms look so nice.
Have a super week!
I love your window picture with the rain drops... I thought the picture was really cool!
You cut all your coupons out? That would take me forever... I don't know how you do it. I only cut what I am going to use. Do you use or some other site when shopping with coupons?
Kim said…
Love the sound of rain on the roof! But I prefer staying INSIDE looking OUT. hahaha With a cup of something hot to drink and a good book.

They don't do coupons here and I miss them! I, too, used two coupon holders. Not that I always remembered to see if I had coupons for what I was buying -- but I was always prepared :-)

Have a wonderful week!
The Bug said…
I try to use coupons too - but I always make up my list ahead of time & just take the coupons I need. It would still help to have some sort of organizer for them. Hmmm.
riTa Koch said…
The raindrop picture is a work of art! You could hang that on a wall along with the blossom one.
I heard a joke this week that is probably as old as the hills: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
The funny thing was that it was told to a foreigner.
Silly dog.
I used to have that sort of thing for organizing my coupons. It really helped me out a lot. One thing I remember doing is that I made one pocket labeled "THIS TRIP," so as I shopped and grabbed items off the shelf, I'd find that item's coupon and place it in the "THIS TRIP" pocket. Then when I got to the checkout counter, I'd be all ready with my stack of coupons (and I wouldn't have dropped them all over the store).

Okay. There's ONE thing better than waking up to a rain shower. It's waking up, hearing the rain, and then drifting right back to sleep again with the rain as your background noise. that's more like it!!

Great week!

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