Project 365 – Week 13

Sunday, March 21

As Saturday was so jam packed with birthday and out of town family activity I took full advantage of my Sunday Sabbath and rested all day. So no pictures for me. However I will say that the marking of the first day of spring was a bit on the cold and dreary side so there was not much worth photographing in the cold drizzle that fell!

Monday, March 22

I am not sure what it is, but if memory serves we had the same issue last spring. Apparently there is a small burrowing animal, my guess is it is a small mole or chipmunk that has returned to my back yard. It has again sent our sweet little puppy over the edge. He is now on a mission to dig up every square inch of my garden in search of whatever is stirring just beyond his reach.


Grandma says “Love the baby!” and she leans over very gently and gives the baby a sweet little kiss…IMG_1049

Tuesday, March 23

What’s the diff I ask?

I watch all the food network chef’s talk about the San Marzano tomatoes, well we shall see if it is worth paying nearly triple the price for a can of tomatoes. As dollars go at $2.33 for a 28 oz can is (in my opinion) a bit pricey, so they had better be the best tomatoes I ever put in my sauce. I also got some fancy tomato paste in a tube, sort like toothpaste. I will see how this works too. I will admit every time I see one of the food network chefs' using that little tube of paste it looks really cool. Also it seems that I never seemed to be able to find it on the shelf at the grocery store. Well no wonder, it was hiding behind one of those hanging things that they put those weird promotional items on like the hot pink plastic lid removers we can’t live without! Well there it was peaking out behind the lid removers so I snapped up a tube. On a practical note most of the time when tomato paste is called for in a recipe it hardily ever calls for using the whole can so this may be just the ticket.

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Wednesday, March 24

The Elisha Winn House is just down the street from my house. In the fall they have a craft festival there. It is a historic site with several turn of the century house and other outbuilding in the property as well. Well I have been driving by, I pass it almost every few day in my day to day driving around, and every time I pass buy I would crane my neck to appreciate the beautiful stand of daffodils that are right out front along the road. Well Wednesday morning I tossed my camera in the car and vowed that I would stop on my way home from bible study and get a few pictures.

I just love daffodils y’all!



Thursday, March 25

Ever heard of a Red Pummelo? It’s huge and has to be some variety of grapefruit! I put the lime in to give you some perspective on just how big it is. It about twice the size as a normal grapefruit. I am eager to try this and see what it is like!!!!!!

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Friday, March 26

My new camera has a setting on it called “Face Recognition.” Well clearly further reading of the instruction manual needs to be done as I had to delete several very nice pictures of the back of my granddaughters head. I will say I hit the Grandbaby jackpot this week. I got to see her on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Yea for me!!!!


Saturday, March 27

It was a gorgeous spring day. The little tree in my front bed is bursting with flowers.




I am not sure what kind of tree it is as it was here when we moved in. I will say that since we removed almost half of the contents in the front bed to other places in our yard I am much happier with the placement of this little tree. I also took the pruning shears to it in a major way and got it to actually look like a tree.


These are not in my yard but I still get to enjoy them as they are planted right next to one of my front beds. I just love the frilly lacy look of these daffodils. They are amazing. I have a bag of daffodils waiting to be planted this fall and then I will have some daffodils of my own next spring.

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Well that does it for me for this weeks edition of project 365!

For more participants y’all head over to Sara and check out all the other 365’ers!





Cathy said…
Your granddaughter is so cute kissing the baby doll and the flowers are beautiful!!
sara said…
that is the sweetest thing ever of your grandbaby kissing the doll!!!

so what is the verdict on the tomatoes...I have always wondered too!!

those grapefruits look like ruby reds and they are DElicious!!!

don't you just love spring?!!!
The Bug said…
Gorgeous flowers! I want to hear the verdict on the tomatoes too.
Shannon said…
More Daffodils! So beautiful! Can you tell us how you get your photos to post so big on your blog?
Tori said…
Love all the nature shots this week, but "love the baby" is the best!
Will be interested to hear about the tomatoes and the grapefruit. I LOVE grapefruit, so would be curious to try another variety.
Have a great week!
Rebecca Jo said…
The fruit looks like some sorta comic book character with big eyes! :)

Your grandbaby loving the doll - oh my - that could probably win an award - awesome picture!
Love the flower pictures. Your grandbaby is adorable. Love & blessings from NC!
Sweet baby kisses. Awww...

I've never seen that kind of tomato paste, but I'm with you. It makes a whole lot more sense to buy it that way, so you can dispense as needed, rather than waste half a can.

All your flower photos were just beautiful. *sigh* Don't ya just love spring??
love, love, love those daffodils... I have been seeing them on everyones blogs... I am hoping to plant some in my side yard and get lots of them next spring... we will see how my plan works...
Dena said…
Such a sweet picture of your granddaughter loving her baby doll.

I love daffodils and if I didn't have such a brown thumb, I'd love to have tons of them planted.
LuAnn said…
I love all the flower pics. Your granddaughter is adorable !!!!
And whats the story on the tomatoes?
Amy said…
More daffodil pictures, I just love them. All your flowers are just gorgeous. Not to mention that Grandbaby, wow those kisses are just so sweet.

Love all of your pictures this week.
riTa Koch said…
Gorgeous blossoms!
I have several varieties of daffodils. Oh, so beautiful!
And you baby girl photo is adorable!
We were both blessed grandmas this week ;)
Heidi said…
I bought a $4 something can of San Marzano's too on Rachael Ray's suggestion in a cookbook I got from the library. They were okay. But $4 worth of greatness? I don't know.

Flowers! I can't wait for blooms here in Michigan.

I wrote my "I Won...You Win" post for picking the next winner, but about 1/3 of the way through, Blogger stopped letting me separate paragraphs. I click enter and the paragraphs are there in the post editor, but when I post to the blog, the spaces to distinguish between paragraphs disappear and the whole thing runs together.

I couldn't stand it, so I just saved it as a draft and figured I'll try to insert the spaces later. Any advice on that?

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