Random Dozen

1. Define a great relationship.

The relationship I have with my husband is wonderful. We have been together for 28 years. We have had our time in the trenches of marital discord and needed some major construction equipment to dig our way back to unity. Along the way came the blessing of coming to know Christ. That was HUGE for our marriage! We have managed to maintain our relationship over these past 28 years. There is a bond of trust, assurance, intimacy and consistency that is crucial to a successful relationship. Plus I just think he is really cute and a sweetie to boot!

I am also doubly blessed to have a small core group of gal pals that are my anchor. I love my husband but there are time when ya just need your girlfriends. I have the best y’all. These three women have seen me though some of the most difficult circumstances of my life. They know me very very, very, very well and still love me anyway and vice versa!

2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?)

A large Diet Limeade @ Sonic. It is just the thing after a nice long walk at the park and it’s sorta on the way home (if ya take the long route) but it is so worth it!

3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.)

That’s a no brainer…Dachshund Beagle mix…duh!

What’s not to love!


4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move?

Hawaii…Florida Keys…Lowcounty Coastal South Carolina…are you getting the picture. Warm sunshine and sandy beaches for me all the way!

5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

This is a hard on for me y’all. In a perfect world I would have been raised in a loving two parent home where the foundation of Christ was the center. But, if I could have changed something tangible it would have been our financial situation. My mom had to work multiple jobs and we still never had enough money.  I always wanted to live in a house with a backyard. I wanted to have the cute cloths like the other children. I wanted…I wanted…I wanted…

As a grown up I look back and recognize that my mom did the best she could with a very difficult situation. My sister and I may have wanted for certain things, but we never went hungry, we always had a roof over our head and we were always fed, warm and dry!

Today, praise Jesus! My daughter has grown up in a loving two parent home with the foundation of Christ and there are still times when she feels she has the worst life on the planet. Gotta love the consistent determination of childhood to keep the world safely revolving around you at all times! 

6. Who's the funniest person you know?

A woman who sings in our praise team at church. She is a wonderful story teller and I have spent many a women's retreat with my sides splitting with uncontrolled mirth at her anecdotes'. She seriously needs to take it on the road.

7. Did you get enough sleep last night?


8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning?

“My hip hurts from lying in this position too long so I might as well get up!”

9. Grilled or Fried? –HONESTLY

Both, I splurge every once and a while with a good piece of fried chicken but I also love a good grilled rib eye, BBQ’ed Chicken on the grill, mmmmmm!

10. Are you afraid of the dark?

No, but then I don't think I would go strolling around a graveyard in the dead of night either, just saying! I will also say that I am not real keen on walking alone after dark, but then it’s not the dark I’m afraid of it what the darkness conceals….

11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An Artist, in a perfect world I would rip the carpet up in my spare room install a sink, a potters wheel and buy an easel and some paint and just enjoy myself until my family screamed to be fed.

12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose?




Well that it for my Random Dozen. Don’t forget to head over to 2nd Cup of Coffee for more Randomness!





Rebecca Jo said…
"Seasoned" - what an awesome word!!!

Look at your fur baby - how precious is that face!!!!

Oh no... no beaches for me... sand all in the house? I'm cringing! ;)
Joyce said…
I loved your answers today, especially #5...that was great!

I'm with you on warm weather and sandy beaches. And I'm feeling a little sad we don't have Sonic.

Enjoy your day!
Judy said…
I wish we lived near a Sonic. I could use a Diet Limeade. Sigh. I try to get one whenever we go visit our kids.
Loved reading your answers!
Skoots1moM said…
trust, assurance, intimacy and consistency -- yeah!!

Diet Limeade @ Sonic, yes!!

Warm sunshine and sandy beaches--let's go!

financial situations are the toughest, you know??!!
my mom did the best she could...yep, especially since daddy didn't...and now HOW thankful you are for your current family

BBQ’ed Chicken...the best!

An Artist...you are still an artist :)

Seasoned...sweet, savory and gets better with time :)
Melli said…
When you get your perfect world, can I come play on your potter's wheel?

That puppy is just plain CUTE!
Heidi said…
Thankful for Jesus! I say just tear up that carpet and put in that potter's wheel. You only live once!

I tried to leave a comment on skoots1mom's blog earlier telling her I needed her address, but I don't know if she got it. Blogger was acting a little weird.


Can you pass on my e-mail and tell her to send me her address? You live near her, right?

#5 is so poignant. thanks for sharing. And that doggie is adorable. thanks for playing!
sara said…
I love sonic cherry limeades but I can't do diet!!

#4...ditto!!! warm with the beach, perfection!!!

great answers!
Enjoyed reading your answers. It is always fun to learn more about our blog friends. Love & blessings from NC!
Loved #1! And #5 has made me so sad on almost everyone's blog. Except Greg's. His was a hoot.
Sarah said…
About #6... just thinking about it makes my sides hurt. LOL
Kim said…
"so cute and a sweetie to boot" You're a poet!

Enjoyed reading your answers; I think you must write like you talk so when we finally meet it will be like a continuation of our blogging conversations :-)

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