Project 365 ~ Week 3: Teenage Girls Being Teenage Girls, More Cleaning and Apple Crumble

It was a normal week around here, no drama although the weather has been a bit dreary, cold and wet. Good days to be inside snuggles up with my Kindle in front of the fire.

So here is my week!

Sunday, January 15

Since it was a three day weekend the DD had a sleepover. Combine two best friends, a sever case of boredom, more make up than you can shake a stick at and what to you get….some very colorful moments.

The went Goth, they went Punk, they went…..well you name it they emerged from the bathroom sporting a multitude of new looks!

Thankfully it all got washed off and they were returned to their normal natural radiance by the end of the evening.

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No pictures on Monday, January 16

Tuesday, January 17

My crochet time has been greatly diminished. I think I started this project back in October. Under normal circumstance it does not take me four months to finish a project, however factor in the holidays, Christmas hat’s and scarves and other distractions I am just thankful to have this one finished. Now I have moved on to my next unfinished and more difficult knitting project that has been left unattended since before October. Hopefully now that life has returned to normal I can knock this one out soon.

I love the colors on this one. Note how wonderfully it goes with my living room furniture, and yes I did struggle to turn this one is as it did make a wonderful accent again my oversized chair.


Wednesday, January 18

This is my view (if I am obedient to my exercises) every morning and every evening. So picture me laying on the floor in various positions all the while the dog (and husband and DD) watching me with a confused look upon his face.


After I got up off the floor I set myself to the task of finishing what I started last week. The Tupperware cabinet and the kitchen gadget drawer. How may times have you filled up a plastic containers only to go in search of a lid only to realize that you do not have a lid to fit that particular container. One gets melted by the dishwasher or mysterious disappears and you find yourself with random containers with either no lid or lids galore with no matching container.

Well I pulled it all out and set to matching up the lids with the containers.


I can state with complete certainty that as of this moment in time I have a lid for every plastic container within my kitchen….at least for now anyway. Getting to those long awaited tasks that I always put off feels really good.


I also added to the yard sale pile. After cleaning out the gadget drawer I found several things that I did not even remember that I had. I figure if I did not even know that I had it and I had not used it in forever then I probably have no need for it any longer…..


Thursday, January 19

I watched a show on the Food Network a few days ago. It really has left me with a huge burden, only I am not sure what to do about it. Did y’all see the show called “The Big Waste”? Well you can click here to read some of the responses to this show if you like. Basically the premise of the show was a challenge to Chefs Bobby Flay, Michael Symon, Anne Burrell and Alex Guarnaschelli to create a menu for a large group of food experts, the only catch was they had to use only the food they found that was being thrown away by the grocery store, produce, meat, bakery and other vendors.

I was shocked and astounded at the level of waste that was highlighted. Thousands of pounds of food not to mention how much money is lost because of waste. Most of it was due to legal issue of not begin able to sell something after an expiration date. However you and I both know that food that is one day past it’s expiration day is perfectly fine to be eaten. However because of government regulations it has to be tossed in the trash.

As consumers we have set a standard for what we think is acceptable. I know I have done it many of times. I will pass over an apple if it has a small blemish, or overlook produce it it does not look appealing. I can tell you I heard all the chefs confess that they would be seriously re-thinking there standards when they saw the level of waste they witnessed.

When I think of the millions of hungry people who have no food every day and then I think of all the food that get tossed in the dumpster it makes me crazy.

Well I say all this to share with you a small decision I made. The grocery store I shop at will from time to time mark down their produce. I picked up two bags of marked down apples. They had a few bruises on them but the majority of them were perfectly fine. After they had been peeled and sliced up they made a wonderful apple crumble.


I am still thinking about all that horrible wasted food just getting tossed out every day and then I think about our local food co-op that struggles just to keep food on the shelves and I wonder if there is not some solution somewhere in the middle.

No pictures on Friday, January 20 or Saturday, January 21

We did watch a really cute move on Saturday night. Great family film but also very entertaining. Sweet, funny and based on a true story. If you get the chance to rent it I highly recommend it!

Dolphin Tale Poster

It was so dreary and rainy on Friday and Saturday that I spent the majority of my time just hibernation. I balanced the check book, started a new prayer shawl and read but found no photo op’s that struck me a worthy….so……..that was my week!

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!




I found out about the waste thing....when I was serving on our school's Building leadership team....I learned then that whatever is left is tossed at the end of the day. Come on...there are homeless people. Why can't they be given this food. Love the apple crumble. It is one of my favorite desserts.
sara said…
will you come organize my containers?!!!

I saw the promos for that show but missed it. there is a lot of every home.
Mary said…
The afghan looks beautiful! I love the colors!
I'm considering going to a class at Michaels to learn how to crochet. My mom and my sisters can crochet, but by the time it got to me, my mom had no patience for it! :)
LuAnn said…
The the colors of crochet project. I am new at this - just have hats down.
Stacy said…
I totally agree about how wastful we are. I posted a picture that will just break your heart.
Kim said…
I can see why you struggled to give up that lovely afghan/prayer shawl. Gorgeous!

Go girl on the organization! I confess to dreading that kind of thing, but feeling absolute euphoria when I get it done.

Yep, we've moved to the opposite spectrum of "waste not, want not", haven't we? We waste massive amounts... not only food, but clothing, furniture (too shabby or not in style), appliances (we'd rather have shiny new) and even our time. Good to be reminded of it.

Have a wonderful week!
The Bug said…
I feel pretty good about the waste in our home - we try to always eat all our leftovers & I will actually cut open tubes of lotion to get to the last bit. But there's sucha lot of waste out there - heartbreaking.

Love those pics of your daughter & her friend. Cute!
Skoots1moM said…
heart-breaking to realize the waste

i use all my leftovers either in a meal or they go in my stock bag for soup

you keep it up with those exercises, they'll make your legs feel so much better

hubs always finds the bowl with no top, hahahaha

starting a new shawl today ;)
I saw the promos for the "Waste" show but didn't get to see the whole thing. It looked really interesting, though.

The afghan is great! I just started learning how to knit and finished my first project (scarf) for the Spousal Unit.

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