Project 365 ~ Week 1

Hey there y’all! It’s the first official week of the new year!

The fact that day one of the new year actually lands on a Sunday fulfills some need in me to keep things in order. Now if I could just expand that need for order to the rest of my life I’d have it made…sadly I still lack the gene that enables me to stack my post concentrically or attend to the mail in a timely fashion. Goals I am planning to work on the year……

Sunday, January 1

Every year the church placed poinsettias in the sanctuary. The congregation has the opportunity to purchase the poinsettia in either memory of in honor of some.This year one of the members of the bible study I facilitate purchased a poinsettia for me. She told me to make sure I took it home with me on Christmas eve….did I remember….that would be a big no!

I was fearful that by the time I did make it back over to the church it would have wilted or all the unclaimed Poinsettias would have been dispersed to the various hospital and nursing homes in the areas as the church sometimes does after Christmas.

Thankfully there was a large number that had been forgotten. We have such a wonderful maintenance staff and they even remembered to keep them watered. I brought home my beautiful poinsettia and it is sitting on my kitchen counter!


Monday, January 2

I was doing a bit of catch up work on my bible study as we start back on Wednesday. One of Busters favorite things to do is to catch a nap in the warm sun. He has a spot outside that is up against the house and it gets wonderful sun. However it begin very cold today he opted for the indoor versions of his sunny spot. I love the way he situated himself directly within the path of the warmth….very smart I think!

IMG_8637 IMG_8636

Tuesday, January 3

Ooooooopppppsss! My first omission for the year, but I am sure it will not be the last!

Wednesday, January 4

Well here is the photographic evidence of the hellish morning I had. You can click here to read a blow by blow account of our unpleasant adventures for the morning


Muffinhead all snug in her car seat, bundled against the cold with her new scarf. Coat all buttoned up and ready to go to McDonalds' for the promised pancakes!!!!!



Muffinhead enjoying the pancakes…..she ate about half of what is on her plate y’all. She is a pancake loving girl!



This is the massive pile of baby wipes, tissues and the flannel pajamas that I snatched out of her book bag that I used to clean up the you know what that was all over her and all over her car seat!


Later back at home all cleaned up and enjoying her paci and blanket resting watching sesame street! Thank you Jesus that I have several episodes saved on the DVR!


I have a neat alarm clock on my bedside table. It’s an Atomic Projection Alarm Clock. It receives a signal that automatically updates the time. It also had an external sensor that receives a different signal that tells me what temperature it is. The time and temperature are then projected on the wall so when it’s dark outside in the morning I can just roll over and see projected on the wall what time it is and what the temp is out side. I have had it for a very long time. I posted about how great the clock was here if you want to go take a look at the clock. Well after many long years of service the outside sensor just gave up working. The hubs fiddled with if for a few day with no luck so we eventually determined that it had just stopped working. He got me a new one for Christmas but after having used it for a few day we determined that we really did not like it as well as the older one. I did a bit of internet surfing and found a newer model at and ordered it. It arrived today. I am so thankful that I have a new one. I had missed being able to see how cold it was outside before I stepped out of bed each morning. Silly I know but I think it helps in preparation as you ease out of bed and get ready for the day……


Thursday, January 5

Why I sometimes HATE my kitchen counter!


Why I LOVE my kitchen counter!


Friday, January 6

Well it’s HERE! Our new bed!


Along with the bed Sears was running a promotion that went along with the sale they were having. When you purchased one of the Sears brand mattresses you received a Free IPod Nano! Well I got all the paper work filled out and in the mail today. I await my new IPod, which should arrive in 8 or so weeks. I am not exactly sure what I am going to do with is as I am not much of a music aficionado but…it was free! So why not!


Saturday, January 7

When my son was a little boy we had the hardest time with him and his toys. If there were visible screws that he could see it tormented him! Once he could see the screws he knew that there was something behind that screw and he could not rest until he figured out some way to get to the internal working of what ever toy it was.

I walked into he kitchen and found this on the kitchen able. Hmmmmm like father like son! We were in hope that the new sensor for the new alarm clock would work with the older model. That would allow us to put the ole one in the DD rooms. However it seems that the frequency of the new model is not working with the older model. The hubs has pulled all his gadget out of his tool box and is determined to see if he can find a solution so that the older model well work with the new sensor…….

He never fails to amaze me in his fearlessness in taking anything apart to see if he can fix it! Like I said, like father like son!


Do y’all have your new one yet. I stopped at the Office Depot and got my 2012 calendar for the refrigerator door. Now it’s official. 2012 can begin as I now have all the important dates marked on the new calendar and it is installed on the front of the refrigerator!


Well that’s it for me and my week. For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!

If you have never participated in P365, well I highly recommend it. Not only is it a wonderful way to chronicle your life, it also connects you to so many other amazing people! It really is like sharing a cup of tea each week with close friends and catching up on the weeks events!

try it you won’t regret it!




LuAnn said…
Wow !!! that is quite the bed. Do you need a stool to climb in.

Muffinhead is a cutie - like her scarf.
The bed is awesome. Loved the pictures of the kids, the flower....your pictures always make my day. You have such a great eye and I look forward to seeing what you saw each week.
sara said…
I love a clean counter top....though it is rare to see one around here!

So how are you sleeping?!
Happy New Year!
That looks like one comfy bed... It makes me want to go jump up and down on it :-)
Cleaned off kitchen counters brighten my day!
riTa Koch said…
New bed and new alarm for the new year. Will that help with new habits or resolves? Ha! I am wondering if in the new house I will be able to keep the counters clear, or will I soon give up trying?
Blessings in 2012 as you are "still and know that He is God." Love that verse.
Kathleen said…
I used to scold my hubby & kids about cluttering up MY kitchen counters. Trouble is, the kids are long gone & hubby never makes kitchen messes. Now I am the problem. Oy!!!

That little pancake muncher & I would get along VERY well. I could eat them breakfast, lunch & dinner.
The Bug said…
Love the bed - Dr. M was just waying last night that we needed a new mattress. Ours is about 15 years old.

Poor Muffinhead! I sure hope everyone is feeling better now!
Amy said…
oooohhhh, vomit in the car is the worst!! we have our fair share of those stories. the upside is my husband always takes my car and has it completely cleaned inside after someone throws up in it. :-/

nothing like a clean kitchen counter! it relaxes me.

enjoy that new bed!!
beckyjomama said…
I LOVE that clock! May have to find one for me!!!!!! Isn't a clean counter one of the best feelings?! LOVE it!

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