Project 365 ~ Week 17: Hugs, Bee’s, New Shoes, Muffinhead/Ballerina, Veggie Garden and Happiness

Well let get right to it! It was a good week around the Be Still and Know household except for one off morning which you will see mid week!

No pictures on Sunday, April 17

Monday, April 18

They miss each other y’all, a little welcome home from school cuddle on the living room floor!


Oh and I figured out what this is. It’s called Salvia!!! I like it and so do the Bee’s!



Tuesday, April 19

We have been tearing up the Kohl’s card getting ready for vacation. I racked up $40.00 in Kohl's cash and I had a 30% off coupon, YEA for me. I got these two pairs of shoes, which will be perfect for all that vacation walking in my very near futures and a pair of comfy crop sweat pants for the plane ride, all for $35.00 dollars….I hate to shop but I love getting a good deal!


Wednesday, April 20

Ever have one of those mornings??? Who hasn’t

I was running late….

4-20-2011 1

my gas gage was telling me something and I did not have time to make a stop to fill up

4-20-2011 2

The DD has taken to having a cup of coffee in the morning before she leaves for school. Which under normal circumstances is no big deal, however since I was running late there was no time to put on a second pot and since she hit the brew button at 5:15 A. M. by the time I poured my cup to go there was about a swallow left and it was cold…..

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I also ran out of time for breakfast so it was a cereal bar in the car….

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Love to start the day that way don’t y’all…

Thankfully the end of the day was much improved. This sweet little ballerina had a blast tromping around the back yard. We grilled hamburgers and had a wonderful time! My not so good morning was all but forgotten!


Thursday, April 21

Time to plant….

Tomato…YES, Green Beans…YES, Corn…YES, Green Pepper…YES, Jalapeño…YES, Zucchini…YES, Parsley, Basil, Oregano…YES,YES,YES


Cucumbers…NO, Lettuce…NO, Spinach…NO…NO, NO, NO! I sure was hoping to get it all done in one trip but alas it was not to be! One more trip is in my very near future….I really want to try my hand at some salad greens this year. I may have to resort to seeds…I have never done that either….

Friday, April 22

I think Iris are my favorite flower….


Now I am going to give you guys a little before and after action.

I got my veggie garden nearly in. I still have a few seeds to get in the ground but the majority of the seedling have been planted. I cleaned out the herb garden and planted new basil, parsley, oregano and a few others. But take notice at the mayhem of the rock border. There is a small family of toads as well as a small green lizard that live in there and Buster is intent upon making friends with them. This in turn makes a mess of rock border.


Saturday, April 23

Well I made a trip to the Wal-Mart for some miscellaneous household stuff and I returned home to find this in the back yard.

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I’d call that a HUGE difference aaaaaaand I’d give the Hub’s a BIG round of applause. However you all need to keep Buster and me in your prayers. Me to be diligent in keeping him out of the new rock border and Buster for keeping his inquisitive nose out of my herb garden.

This last picture just makes me smile. Y’all I got stuff in my backyard again. Real trees, real flowers, bushes…well now I have something to look at from my backdoor. I can sit and eat my breakfast and watch the birds land on the branches of my trees and look out at actual flowers. I am beyond happy! It really is the simple things that make me the happiest.

Tree’s y’all, flowers, a little bit of green grass and still gracious plenty of room for more. I have a garden to work in now and I am over the moon!


Y’all check this out! This was two years ago!

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HUGE difference…..I

I’m smiling y’all!

Well that’s it for me for this week.


I hoe all of you have a wonderful Easter and a blessed week ahead.

For more P365 y’all head over to Sara’s d link up and I ‘ll pop over later today or tomorrow to see all your wonderful pictures.





I loved the flowers, the plantings, the outdoor garden....the bee shot was awesome...and that little ballerina was a living doll. Looks like your week was very full. Have a great day!
I love the shot by shot of your rather harried morning and ending it with the ballerina was perfect :).

I envy your plant ability. I have the original black thumb so I can only enjoy plans vicariously through the efforts of others! (That and my cats would eat anything I try to grow - even the little herbs in pots that you keep on the counter :().
sara said…
our dog misses the kids so much while they are away and goes nuts when any of them come home!

I so miss having a vegetable garden!!!
Rebecca Jo said…
WOW... what a difference!!!! That's pretty amazing.

I love your rock border too!

Those shoes are SUPER CUTE... & I bet are SUPER COMFY!!! Love a good bargain too... how can you NOT shop? ;)
semperfi said…
the bumblebee pictures are awesome
The Bug said…
Well, you're definitely a blogger - taking time to take pictuers along the way even if you're running late :)

Love all the greenery at your house! We might have flowers sometime in the summer (it's because we don't have any spring flowers in our yard - other houses have tons of tulips these days).
Mimi said…
The iris is stunning and I am so impressed with your yard. It looks fantastic!

Have a good week,
McCrakensx4 said…
Loving your pretty. wish I could grow things without killing it...i have such a black thumb!! Those bee shots were pretty amazing and love the ballerina stinkin' cute!
riTa Koch said…
You take such amazing close-ups: bees on salvia, iris. Loved the pup-pillow one too.
And your garden is beautiful!
Emily said…
I just wanna say, that I may not always comment, but I love your posts. <3 God bless you!

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