When Calendars Collide ~ Updated and Revised Edition…which I am sure will grow and grow and grow…..

It feels like my life may implode like in a science fiction movie. You all know when a black hole develops and a planet gets sucked in. There is a massive explosion followed by a brilliant celestial event. Well with all the activity over the last few days it feels like there is a black hole hovering just above my house and is about to reach critical mass any minute now…..I have had bad weather, vacation planning, shoe shopping, cloth shopping, grocery shopping, birthday party shopping, birthday party planning…

Y’all all I have done over that last few days it seems is whip out the old debit card….more money please. Not to mention my Disciple closing and all with in a few days of each other. Y’all it was not intentional but it seems that all these things have sort of piled up in a heap and all need to be done all at the same time.

Tuesday ~ 4/26/2011

    • begin to assemble things to begin packing
    • do internet search for homemade facial recipes
    • do internet search for scavenger hunt list
    • clean out guest room
    • make a list of things I need for the guest room
    • do laundry
    • make sure all pertinent information is available, emergency contact info, insurance cards, and our itinerary are organized for caregivers
    • set the DVR to tape the royal wedding, like I’m getting up at 4:00AM…NOT!

Wednesday ~ 4/27/2001

    • finish up the last few things for week 33 bible study lesson
    • begin the study for week 34
    • hit the goodwill to look for a bedside lamp and comforter
    • go to the grocery store to buy all the necessary supplies for a sleepover
    • buy mothers day cards
    • listen the the DD “Mom can we get a new Wii game for the party, Mom do we have enough…for the party…Mom do you think…”
    • purchase two new pillows, a lamp (no lamp at goodwill) and blanket (no comforter either…bummer!!!) for the guest bedroom
    • make arrangements with my friend to bring her notary seal with her to our meeting on Thursday
    • get the guest room ready for my guests, detail to follow later as to who will be using the guest room….
    • stay up until 2:00 AM watching the weather to make sure we don't get blow away by tornadoes
    • pray for all those who are in the line of the storms

Thursday ~ 4/28/2011

    • wake up early and a bit bleary eyes after a let night of tornado watching
    • make final preparation for the DD sweet Sixteen sleepover birthday party
    • purchase birthday gift for the girlchild, which I am happy to say I think she will really like and I got a HUGE deal on!
    • purchase two addition birthday gifts for another party the the DD has on Saturday after her party
    • make last minute trip to the store for all the things I forgot the first time I went
    • more “Mom do you think… and Mom can we get…and Mom maybe we should do….!”
    • If I hear “Mom can we…” one more time I am legally changing my name or running away from home…..
    • clean the house for the MIL visit on Saturday
    • Print off list and facial recipes
    • locate plastic table cloth for party
    • print off forms for Costa Rica mission trip
    • fill out forms for Costa rice mission trip
    • make dinner
    • go to my accountability group
    • get forms notarized
    • come home from my girls group and find a note taped to the television telling me there is a surprise in the freezer waiting for me. That hubs of mine is a keeper, it was a mini heath bar blizzard….gotta love that man!

Friday ~ 4/29

    • watch the royal wedding in my spare time…
    • get my house ready for the MIL to come for an afternoon visit on the next day
    • find time to make a cheeps grits casserole for breakfast on Saturday morning
    • wrap DD birthday present
    • figure out what I will serve for lunch for my MIL
    • oh and now since I forgot to stop on Thursday to get the gift card for the DD second birthday party I now have to go back to walmart for gift cards…
    • host 7 teenage girls for a sleepover
    • supervise neighborhood scavenger hunt
    • bake pizzas, pop popcorn, make sure the snacks hold out and the tea pitcher stays full
    • supervise home made facial applications
    • basically try to remain invisible and supervisor all at the same time
    • finish the last little bit of my last disciple lesson

Saturday ~ 4/30/2011

    • bake cinnamon rolls
    • heat up casserole
    • heard 6 teenage girls out the door in time for the MIL to arrive
    • entertain the MIL for a few hours
    • leave later in the afternoon to go to church for the next to the last lesson for my Disciple I class
    • come home and collapse


    • got to worship
    • stay after church for the Costa Rica Mission Trip meeting
    • have lunch
    • return to church for the last Disciple session
    • have fellowship dinner along with 75 or so of my closest friends
    • have our final closing ceremony in the sanctuary
    • come home and collapse again from exhaustion


    • finish packing
    • check off my million lists I have going
    • plant my corn and green bean seeds in the veggie garden
    • get mother’s day cards ready to mail since we will be gone on vacation for mother day
    • yea for me to be in a wonderful sunny tropical place on Mothers day!!!!!!!
    • recheck the million list I have going to make sure I have not missed anything
    • go to the grocery story
    • call the school
    • make sure all the bills are paid before we leave for vacation
    • go to the bank and get cash fro the DD to have while we are gone on vacation and for us to have while we are on vacation
    • make last minutes confirmation with all those in charge of the DD while we are gone…
    • make sure all my ducks are in a row for our trip


    • have a nervous breakdown
    • get a mani & pedi, isn’t that the cure for a nervous breakdown?????
    • if I have recovered from my nervous breakdown I have a final facilitator’s wrap up meeting on the calendar for this evening…


    • go to airport depart for vacation…

When calendars collides…life at times can be hazardous to my mental well being.

The prescription…how about 12 days in the tropical sunshine………

Y’all can you say …ready for a vacation….





Kathleen said…
Phew! I'm exhausted now.

Enjoy your vacation. I'm off to plan one of my own :)

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