Project 365 ~ Week 16

Hey guys! I only missed one day this week so that’s a plus in my book. It was a week of mental vacations and good and bad fairies, if ya read my post from yesterday then you know that I was not in my happy place. I am glad to repot that things in the Be Still and Know household have improved to the degree that I am no longer wishing evil fairies upon others, however I am reserving the right to recall them at will should the situation call for reinforcements.

Moving on to the week in pictures….

Sunday, April 10

Buster is very adept at making sure he is readily available to snatch any thing that falls on the floor during meal preparation. Every once and a while I will try to fake him out with the odd piece of salad fixing's. Being the smart canine that he is he quickly caught on the my deception. You can’t fool him, not for long anyway!



Monday, April 11

Meat Loaf Night…It was really good and I have another one in the freezer for later. We really needed some comfort food on Monday evening!


Tuesday, April 12

I love watching the birds.


I am not sure what this is. It was planted in the front bed when we bought the house. But I love the purple color and it is really pretty!


Wednesday, April 13

Homemade Pinto Beans simmered all day in the crock pot with a big Ol’ Ham Bone and Buttermilk Biscuits…..


Thursday, April 14

Paid our taxes…nuff said about that!

IMG_5589 edit

Had my over due eye examination, who doesn't love getting their eyes dilated! 

 4-14-2011 bIMG_5592

The after my eyes were able to focus we had an unexpected visit! I love those sweet little surprises don’t y’all!

And they were just in time for dinner so I set three extra plates. God is good and I had enough to go round!



Regretfully I did not take any pictures on Friday, April 15, I think I was in rebellion after having to pay our income taxes!

Saturday, April 16

It was the Family Promise Bed Race! This was the second year for the Bed Races and it was a wonderful day. The weather was just perfect.

This is one of my Accountability Sisters. She is the driver of one of the bed! There is a highly technical and strategic set of skills required to pilot a bed. Basically you have to concentrate on trying not to fall off and steer at the same time! Keeping in in-between the traffic cones is a plus as well. I am proud to repot that she was able to achieve both goals and remained safely in the bed during the race and did not take out any pedestrians or traffic cones. Sadly their team did not win but they raised money for a wonderful program and it was a super fun day! 


We had a Congressman…


and the Mayor…


and a Meteorologist, he was from the local television station. He was the Grand Marshal of the parade as well as the Race Day Announcer.


We were blessed with Angels among us…


and leery of the Pirates of the Galilean…


They had cool t-shirts made up I thought!


We even had a few ferocious tigers thrown in the mix…


Well that’s it for me for this P365!

Y’all head over to Sara’s and link up for more P365 fun!




McCrakensx4 said…
That bed race looks like lots of fun! And that meatloaf looks delish! surprise visits are the best! Hope you have a great week
The Bug said…
Love those pirates - that is such a cute idea. And yes, the meatloaf looks FABULOUS! Here's hoping that next week is better than this one.
I really like the purple flowers too even though I also have no idea what they're called :).

The bed race looks like a lot of fun and your food is making me hungry (and I just ate!)
sara said…
I have never heard of bed races but it looks like fun!

as always, your food looks scrumptious!!!
RaD said…
Bed races look like fun! Kinda like a soap box race for adults. How cool your friend was raising money for a good cause and having fun doing it.
Mimi said…
What fun! I hope you don't have to use your evil fairies this week!

Loved the bed race idea. How cool is that. Loved that purple flower too. What kind is it? Your birds were cute too. Looks like your week was busy.

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