Just between you and me…a whisk broom..no I mean hair cut…

So you wanted to see the DD’s whisk boom new hair cut!

Saturday I took the DD to get her hair trimmed. She informed that she wanted to get layers in her hair.  I was not entirely sure exactly what that meant however it was clear as I watched the stylist hack away at the lower ends of her hair that my idea of layers and her idea of layers were two entirely different things.

I was getting my hair trimmed, being the ancient decrepit and obviously fashion challenged mom type person that I am I opted for the non-whisk broom treatment. Just an inch off the bottom all the way around please! I was in the chair opposite from her and I was working with an extreme deficit that I had to remove my glasses while the woman worked to trim my hair so I thought possibly I was imagining things.


Am I dreaming or couldn't we just attach a handle and give the kitchen floor the once over.


I have now officially moved from the sort of old column into the really old column because now I have no understanding of what looks good any more. I feel like June Cleaver or Marion Cunningham…next I’ll be wearing pearls, pin curls, an apron and vacuuming in my heels!

Being the total professional that I am, in  seasoned mom sort of way, I keep my face as passive as possible as I am handing over the debit card silently thinking “Did I really just pay to have this done to my child's head? Why yes I did!”

“Are you happy with your hair”” I ask.

She smiles and says enthusiastically “I really like it Mom, Thanks!” At least she said thank you!


Hmmmm. She really likes it she said. Well at least she is happy with it and I have kept my mouth shut.

I’m just saying….



Oh and don't forget to pop over and toss your name in the hat for my blog-o-versary giveaway.

Edit: After I hit the post button a few moment ago I realized that I need to clarify a few points. With my experience dealing with a rebellious son I am well acquainted with the concept of recognizing exactly which things are important and which thing to simply let go of. A hair cut is so not a issue to draw a line in the sand over! I am thrilled that the DD is happy with her hair and I am very thankful that I was able to have the financial means to provide her with the small frill of a new do. I for on was never that fortunate when I was her age. I do enjoy seeing her take pleaser in the rights of being a young woman, the mascara, the cloths, the spending hours getting ready to go anywhere, I mean even to go out to walk the dog. For me it is such a unique perspective that she even wants to share with me and talk with me given the experience I had with my own son. It is all new territory for me. Also speaking as one who is so totally opposite from the frilly girly girl I just find all this new awareness of her girl-ness so very interesting. I love watching it and I love watching her change into the wonderful young woman that I know she is turning into.

So with that being said I still think her hair looks a bit funny but ya know it’s her hair and she is a teenager. I am just thankful that she and I have the relationship we have and that the lines of communication are open.

Thank you Jesus


The Bug said…
I hate to tell you Robin - I like it :)
Cheryl Klarich said…
That was really fun reading! I haven't heard the term whisk broom in a long time!!!
My two daughters are away at college (one in Brazil) give your's a big hug for me???

Oh, I really liked your comment on Terri Tiffany's blog.
riTa Koch said…
Just to let you know you have just received an award:
Kim said…
I join you in the ranks of "really old" LOL Not that her hair looks bad, but I'm just not getting the desire for that style. However, as you state, if it makes her happy... Definitely not one of those things to battle over.

My daughter always knew when I didn't like something because in my effort to be "benign" and not show judgment I would use the word "interesting". hahahaha

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