
No it’s not some secret code deciphering the exact moment of the second coming.

As I looked back at this past year I visited some of my more memorable post, gave my pictures a review and thought about all the things that  I have done over the course of the last 365 days. 

Including this post I will have graced y’all with my opinion of life with 186 post added to the old published folder.

I have taken a whopping 5,043 pictures, yes you read that right 5,043. Out of 365 days this past year I missed a total of 64 days without taking a picture. That means 290 new digital folders to commemorate 2010.

I completed 5 prayers shawls this year and am working on a sixth which will have to wait to be completed until some time next year.

I got to ride in a Race Car and enjoyed it way too much, but that did not even come close to the joy I experience watching the hubs take his turn behind the wheel!

We spent 10 days traveling to 8 different states and visiting 6 National Parks and driving a total of over 3700 miles.

I had loads of fun with Muffinhead.

Cooked a lot of meals, put up dozens of jars of pepper jelly, apple butter, etc, baked bread, broke in my new cookware, immersed myself in God’s word, began a new role as facilitator for Disciple Bible Study, fixed a lot of Latte’s and worked in my garden, picked a lot of produce for the local co-opp, went to lunch with Skoots1mom, started painting again and even checked a few projects of my to do list.

2010 was a year of mood swings and hormonal fluctuations, it was hot then it was cold, I was up then I was down. I loved my family then I wanted to run away and hibernate. I am praising Jesus fully that I did not run anyone over with my car or actually speak the words going through my mind out loud. Sadly I fear that this process will last a bit longer so I am braced for yet another year of hormonal fun!

I will continue on with Project 365 for next year and beyond that my plan for the new year is a blank page. There is another fun vacation planned, however given our last unexpected travel snafu I will postpone sharing about that until I know it will actually happen.

On my to do list for next year, well I am still on the hunt for a desk so I can convert the sitting room of my master bedroom into a quiet place/study area for me.

I have stated working on painting #2.

The DD will be driving, she has been eligible for her learners for sometime, however I have been a bit resistant to the concept. Kicking and screaming is more like it!

The Hub’s and daughter head back to the mission field next year and little miss Muffinhead will turn two years old.

All in all it was a wonderful year.

You have all been a part of it every time you stopped over and left me a comment. Thank you for choosing to spend a few moments of your day with me and for sharing your thoughts, your laughter and your encouragement with me.

I wish all of you a safe, happy, healthy, prosperous and joyous New Year!




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