Project 365 ~ Week 38 or A week without blogging is like…

…the last seven days.

I think I am still in a bit of a hormonal funk, but that is the norm these days.

My theory is that the brain only holds on to specific information that is critical for keeping the body alive. Information that allows me the ability to breath in and out and other physiological bodily functions. Beyond that it seems I have lost the ability to put things back where they belong, remember things like my cell phone number, put two or more coherent words together in an understandable sentence or remember prior commitments that are in fact written right on my calendar, the calendar that I look at every time I open my refrigerator door, the calendar that I use to schedule my life, the DD life and the hubs business travels. Yea right in front of me all day and I still forgot an appointment!

How many times did I sit down with the intent of working on a post only to stare at the computer and then give in and check my facebook page instead. Facebook is so easy. All I have to do is click over there and I can read all the other folks witty or fun status updates, see all the fun places everyone is going and I don't have to exert any energy on trying to be witty or interesting myself.

What does any of this have to do with Project 365? Absolutely nothing! Why would I start trying to make logical choices or attempt to achieve some level of clarity when I can wallow in my hormonal misery? Was that a question or a statement?

So a week without blogging is like what?

Hmmm, I can’t remember!

Moving on to my 365 such as it is!

Sunday, September 12

Who can remember that far back, I went to church, lead my Sunday School class, came home, I know I took a really good nap and managed to eat a meal or two but apparently nothing noteworthy or photo worthy happen….

Monday, September 13

Well I shared with all y’all in last weeks post that I had finished another prayer shawl. Well I managed to get some picture of it taken on Monday. It turned out very well I thought given the mish-mash of different colors I had.





I have to share with y’all that when I turned this shawl in it did not even make it into the storage cabinet downstairs. A member of the congregation stopped by our meeting, as happens quite frequently, and they were in need of a prayer shawl. She gave our small stash that had been completed and turned in that evening the once over and selected two shawls (one of them was the very shawl I had just turned in) to take with her.

One of the things I find most amazing about God is His ability to re-focus everything in my life an instant.

There I was in my funk, feeling crappy, cranky and anti-social, I was better than I had been last week but my bad attitude was lingering. As I walked down the hall to go home I “just happen” to be walking with the woman who had picked up the shawl I had just turned in. We started up a conversation and I shared with her that I am always very happy when the shawls come in and then go right back out. It is such wonderful positive reinforcement. I shared with her the very brief story about how I came home with the yarn that was meant for the trash can and how God had prompted me to get to work. Briefly I explained to her how working on the shawl had really helped me to get over myself even if it was just for a few moments while I worked on it.

Then it happen, that moment of re-focus, that moment when I realize that my hormonal problems are so very small. My minor emotional discomfort is just that, a minor moment that will eventually pass.

We had stopped in the hallway she was going in one direction and I in another and she shared with me that she was a labor and delivery nurse. She was taking the prayer shawl that I had just finished and turned in to a woman who had just lost her newborn baby. My heart stopped to think that all day long I had been whining to myself about how crappy I felt and how horrible being hormonal was and this woman was delivering my finished project to a woman who was grieving the loss of her newborn baby.

Talk about refocusing my perspective!

God is so good! His awesome ability to see all things so very clearly is just amazing. Almost all the yearn used for that project was in fact baby yarn, but because of the mish mash of colors it did not tune out to be a baby type shawl, which would not have been appropriate for the situation, but as it turned out it all worked together for the good. The baby yarn that no one wanted to work with, the baby yarn that was headed for the trash can, that baby yarn was now going to be comforting the broken heart of a grieving mother over the loss of her baby!

Only God could work all the specifics of that situation together so very perfectly!

Tuesday, September 14

My son called me on Monday evening and asked if I was available to babysit on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yea! For! Me! My favorite thing to do!

I got to visit with my Muffin-head nearly all day long. She was so proud of herself for learning how to crawl up into the rocking chair!


Wednesday, September 15

For every really cute picture of muffin-head I take I have about a dozen or more pictures that look like this! Trying to photograph a lightning bolt or a whirling dervish would be easier I think.

Cute elbow don’tcha think?


Thursday, September 16, Friday, September 17

Nope, not a one!

Saturday, September 18

Ya know those projects that you have around your house that you have been putting off of a gazillion years.

Well I had a bank statement waiting to be reconciled and that was just the motivation I needed to launch me into action. I decided that I just could not emotionally handle a column of numbers so I turned to the black hole that is the sitting room just off my master. It was full of piles of stuff and more stuff that just needed to find a home. Basically is was a huge mess!

I had been putting this off for months and months!







Y’all it was so good to get that room cleaned out! Plus the added bonus of finding the Francine Rivers series “Mark of the Lion” hiding in amongst all of my junk. A friend had loaned it to me a few months back and I was right in he middle of reading a few books. I totally forgot I even had them, not unusual for me as I said, but I am looking forward to starting the first book as soon as hit the publish button!


It is now ready for the future desk and shelves that I am keeping my eyes out for. Maybe even a nice chair or small love seat!

Hmmm maybe I’ll head over to Goodwill tomorrow!

Well one day I may be able to achieve a full week of pictures, but until that day comes I will keep plugging right along.

Y’all have a great week ahead and I will try to stop by later this evening or tomorrow morning to take a look at your week in pictures!

For more 365 head over to Sara’s and join in on the fun!





RaD said…
It was probably a mom that invented a digital camera cuz' she knew that all those pictures of little ones elbows and cut off heads could be erased and the space put to better use of cute and adorable pictures of their triumphs and accomplishments :)
Skoots1moM said…
i just KNEW you'd post the pics of CK coming home/with the standup...i missed that prediction. Loved your before and afters ;) it feels so good to get a room re-settled.
The Bug said…
Oh great story about the prayer shawl - gave me goose bumps!

I took pictures at a birthday party for 3 year old twins - definitely a lot of blurred shots of the backs of heads that day!
Tori said…
God is so faithful and amazing, isn't he? How many times does He have a bigger plan for what we would tos aside as un-usable or unworthy? Praise Him!
Muffin head has a very lovely elbow. :)
Your sitting area looks great...good job. And, I would agree that is more satisfying than a column of numbers!
Have a super week!!

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