Project 365 ~ Week 23


Two Sunday’s in a row and I have had the best nap!

My Missionary Girl Child returned home safely. She had a wonderful trip and has been bubbling with conversation all weekend long. Her trip did end on a bit of a disappointment as she left her camera at the airport. Y’all I have the worlds best husband and she has the worlds best dad, as soon as they realized the mistake he drove all the way back to the airport to see if they could find it. We have all been praying that the person who picked up the camera will have an attack of conscious and return it to the airport lost and found. She learned a valuable lesson on personal responsibility and that personal possession are not disposable!

Well here is my week, Blessings in advance y’all!

Sunday, May 30

I guess I completely observed the Sabbath because there were no pictures taken….

Monday, May 31

Dinner, Grilled Lamp Chops, Mashed Potatoes and a tossed Salad!


Tuesday, June 1

The Cana Lilies are putting on a good show this year. They are a tall wave of frilly red across the back of my house. It is so nice to sit at my desk and look out into my back yard filtered through this hedge of hummingbird attracting blossoms. I get an up-close a personal view of the delicate little fluttering bodes as they come to have a snack!

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Wednesday, June 2

Seafood Quiche!  Lump Crab, Roaster Red & Green Peppers, Roasted Garlic, Broccoli and Fontina Cheese.

It was Good!


Thursday, June 3

The day lilies are coming up in the backyard. It’s just a very small splash of color now but in a year or two the landscape will be popping with lots of different colors.


It’s a start! I have to tell ya, after living in this house for five years with this…

September 2009


I am so happy happy doesn't even seem like a good enough word to describe how I feel when I look out at my backyard now to have something beside the back of my fence to look at now!


Friday, June 4

It wont’ be long now…


Mr. and Mrs. Yellow! I think they are golden finches, but I have not looked them up yet!


On Friday we began day one of the “Garden Shed Project”.  After being stopped by a nasty thunderstorm and tornado watch which thankfully coincided with dinner time we were able to get back at it and we worked diligently until about 9:00 P.M.!

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Saturday, June 5

Bright and early Saturday morning we hit the ground running. It was nice and hot, sticky, humid, and generally perfect weather for a back yard projects if you didn’t mind sweating through every layer of clothing in record time.

Thankfully by 1:30 we had completed the shed. Yea! I was a tired puppy at the end of the day! However as backyard project go this one was a relatively easy, it was very hard work but there was nothing complicated baring the 400 page O.K. maybe it was closer to 50 pages instruction booklet. We managed to work together with very little blood shed. There may have been a few choice words spoke now and then. And I did think a few unkind words directed at my husband over the course of the two day, but as we were moving items out of the garage and into the storage shed in the back yard it was GOOD, REAL GOOD!


As I had to walk back and forth in front off my veggie patch about a thousand time over the course of the past two days I go to give it a very close inspection.  I have baby cucumbers and lots of Baby Green Beans and            Zucchini Squash Blossoms and the corn is about to start doing something, I think????

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Well that does it for me this week.

For more 365’ers head over to Sara’s to join in, or Y’all remember that this week 365 will be hosting this week so pop over to Blessed in Abundance and join up!




RaD said…
Your yard and vegetable garden look beautiful!
Ms.Daisy said…
I'm tired just reading about your week! Your garden looks devine and you take great pictures. Love your flower garden too! Thanks for stopping by to say "hi."

Ladynred said…
Your dinner looks yummy and the garden is beautiful with all the veges and flowers.

Your quiche sounds and looks really delicious!

Your garden looks amazingly beautiful!
Tori said…
Good for you and taking naps! So glad she made it home safely and blessed. Sorry to hear about the camera though.
Your garden, lillies and food all look fabulous!!
Great job on the shed. You deserve another nap after that!
Have a super week!!
Your yard is altogether NICE!!!! The landscaping, the vegetable garden, the beautiful birds at the feeder, and the nice, new storage shed. Whew! Y'all have done good!!!! Come to MY house next?? (We're so lazy...)

Glad your daughter made it back safely, even if it was without her camera. (Boo.)

Oh, yeah. And that quiche looks gorgeous!!

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