There back…but can I show them to you?

Well the Hummingbirds are back. They are attracted by these Cana Lilies. I have seen several pairs come for a snack. What I have learned is that actually getting a picture of a hummingbirds is a very difficult thing.


Also just this morning “Mr. Yellow” returned and he brought “Mrs. Yellow” with him. They perched for a visit upon my tomato cages and by the time I returned with my camera they had flown the coop.

However relying upon the highest standards set by the D.O.R.C. I will remain vigilant to try and document their return to this esteemed research facility!

MT 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.




Kathleen said…
We have quite a few humming birds this time of year, and I'm completely flabbergasted at how they'll come so near and just check us out (but NEVER when we have a camera in hand). They "hover" so near their whirring wings can be heard and felt. Amazing.


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