The Random Dozen - Let’s Expound Shall We…

For those of us who participated in last weeks Random Dozen hosted by Lid at 2nd Cup of Coffee, well a funny thing happen this morning during my bible sty time. Not funny cry till you wet yourself funny but funny in an under God’s magnifying glass kind of way.

Question #12 was this…

October is traditionally "open house" time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?

Well as I have mentioned before I’m participating in a Disciple Bible Study this year. It is Disciple III. It mainly focuses on the Prophets and the Letters of Paul.

This week we are in Ezekiel. Y’all Ezekiel is the prophet who had the most incredible prophetic visions.

Some scientific types have tried to elude to the notion that Ezekiel had an alien encounter rather that an encounter with the Living God. If you have seen the movie Knowing or have ever watched the History Channel you will know what I am talking about.

But I digress.

Anywhoo, I am reading Ezekiel chapter 8. I am sifting through all the prophetic imagery. I regularly look at the notes that coincide with each passage and what do I read?

8:6ff In scene after scene, God reveled to Ezekiel the extent to which the people had embraced idolatry and wickedness. God’s Spirit works within us in a similar way, revealing sin that lurks in our lives. How comfortable would you feel if God held an Open House in your life today?

This is why they call God’s word living and active people!

Three short days after I had spent time thinking about what I would serve at my Open House and what I would display around my home that would uniquely represent me, well God decide to put His unique spin on it as only God can do.

Hot Spiced Cider is good and all, and who doesn't like a Queso Cheese Dip and Tortilla Chips, but let’s look a bit deeper. God says let’s look at the things that you can’t set out for public display.

So to expound in question 12 a bit ask yourself:

How comfortable would you feel if God held an Open House in your life today?

I am going to be doing some major pondering on this in the days to come.




Nel said…
Definitely gives us something to think about doesn't it? And the thing about it is you couldn't hurry and straighten up or put away things that you don't want him to see, because he already has. hmmm...
Thanks for the reality check! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Kathleen said…
It's a worthy ponder for all of us!

At first glance, I'd have to say I'd be so incredibly honored were He to host an Open House. I'm not sure what I'd need to do to prepare ahead, if even I had time to. But this I know, I'd cry buckets were I to hear Him say: Well done, my faithful servant.

Beth Herring said…
Love this today!

God is always welcome in our home. In fact I pray that He is there daily!

We work hard to keep our home cleansed and full of His Spirit.

You are a blessing my friend.
Well, Robin, that was quite something, an honor that you took that question and God spoke to you about it in that context. I'm also convicted. Thanks for sharing your powerful thoughts on this.
Kim said…
Ouch! But a very good point Robin!
Skoots1moM said…
God's amazing at punching buttons and helping us see things in new ways...wonderful way to expand this question

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