A Green Pepper Story

June 6, 2009

A seedling was planted!


July 8, 2009

It’s about the size of the pad of my thumb!


July 9, 2009


July 12, 2009

Nearly doubled in size in just three days!



July 24, 2009

Not quite as big as my fist, maybe the size of a baseball!


Isn’t it beautiful! I’m so proud of my first green pepper I don't think I can stand myself!

Y’all, I fixed a salad the other night with my fresh from the garden green pepper and cucumber (sorry no pictures) but I have to tell ya that there is just something about the taste of veggies that you grew yourself with your own two hands.


From June 6 to July 24 is a total of 55 days.

All I have to say is WOW!

I grew a green pepper y’all!



PS: I know you all are on the edge of your seat awaiting the highly publicized next installment in my ongoing Garden Saga. Confidential sources in the small town of Dacula are reporting that the much anticipated sequel “A Green Bean Story.” is days away from release.

In case y’all were wondering!


Oh Honey, I am so proud of you. How wonderful is that? I have to buy everything at the store. Here in Phoenix, it is so hot nothing is growing right now. The only way I could have a garden is if it was indoors. This is wonderful, just wonderful. Everything tastes better fresh out of a garden. It is such a beautiful plant also. It appears to have grown fairly fast. I wonder how long it will keep producing? Have a wonderful blessed day. Thanks for sharing. Country Hugs, Sherry
Kathleen said…
Wow. I'm so-o-o-o impressed. I'm just grateful when I don't kill something already planted, much less undertake a vegetable garden!

Kidding aside, I remember from my days in WA State how wonderful are home-grown tomatoes and green beans, and peas. Here in AZ the heat is too intense to grow much, though some do. I'm not one of them.

Be blessed,
Skoots1moM said…
go god!!
he did great on that one...they taste good too!
thx for the salad yesterday...i'm eager to eat my new cucumber sweet/sours :)
Kim said…
Yum! That's a beauty! You should be proud of yourself :-)

We just ate the last green pepper out of our summer garden (which has been over a while) last week. And THIS week we started eating lettuce from our winter garden!!!

You're right, it just tastes BETTER when you've grown it yourself :-)

Robin, how do I do a friend request on facebook? I don't know your last name! hahaha I go by my full name on facebook: Kimberly Hoyt and my profile photo is the same one I use on my blog sidebar: me and hubby sitting by the creek.

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