A Cucumber Story

Once upon a time, in a small patch of dirt in a unknown southern suburb a cucumber was planted.
It was watered, tended to, visited daily and on occasionally adored from the sun room window!

Click here if you would like to see miraculous before an after pictures of the veggie patch transformation!
June 6, 2009
I planted 2 cucumber plants!
June 24, 2009 (18 days later)
The first blossoms appear.

July 3, 2009
In my morning garden inspection I am delighted, ecstatic, excited and overjoyed to find this!!!!
To give you some scale...it' about the size of my thumb, isn't is just the cutest cuc you've ever seen !!!!

As I am basking in the anticipation of future cucumber salads and plates of sliced cucumber sprinkled lightly with salt and pepper, I am glad that my yearning for a small patch of tilled soil has been satisfied. I calculate that is has been four long years since I have eaten something grown by my own hands.

Each morning as I take my short walk out to my veggie patch I am rewarded with a feeling of great anticipation.
Every day I am a bit closer to reaping the harvest of my hard work.
I have a greater appreciation for those who earn their living providing the general public with the food we eat, and I am also ever so thankful that my existence does not depend upon the bounty of my tiny patch of ground. If it did I fear we would all starve.
July 5, 2009 (2 DAYS later...OMGoodness, probably quadrupled in size!!!!!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

and look y’all it’s twins!
IMG_0019After 33 days these two beauties are ready to slice and enjoy.
The vines are exploding with hundreds of yellow blossoms and as I picked these two cucumbers I counted possibly several dozen baby cuc’s just days away from harvest.
I am not sure which I prefer?
The crisp, crunchy, clean taste of a fresh from the garden cucumber….I could eat this whole plate full!IMG_0005
I munched on a few slices and then in memory of my sweet grandma set about preparing the next best way to enjoy a fresh cucumber, in my humble opinion anyway!
I may have grown them but when I add a little vinegar, a little water, a little sugar (if Grandma’s Cucumbers weren’t enough of a trip down memory lane, I always have a small small on my face every time I lift the decorative lid to my sugar bowl, a family treasure that sat upon my grandma’s breakfast table for many many years, I think of all the belongings that have been passed down to me from my grandma this simple little sugar bowl is maybe my favorite, but I digress), toss in a few sliced onions and a peppercorn or two and let them hang out in the frig for about and hour and then dive in, well those will forever be know as “Grandma’s Cucumbers.”
There is just nothing better!

Keep an eye on your blog roll for the equally dramatic and fanciful sequel “A Green Bean Story” coming in the very near future.

Edit: I tried to link over to Photograph Friday but the code would not copy, I kept getting an error code. so head over to http://whatworksforus.blogspot.com or http://mychaosmybliss.blogspot.com/


Loved this post. It's funny that I posted about eating watermelon from a white bowl with an embossed border today that looks a lot like the white dish in your pic.

My friend planted a large garden this year with the idea that several of us friends would help weed, pick and can. I believe cucumbers are in the garden. I will have to try your grandma's cucumber salad!
Heidi said…
Yum! I.T. said only vinegar goes in, but I knew sugar was a key ingredient. We have some of these in the fridge now, not from my garden- yet, but from the farmer's market. Your plants look great!
I love cucumbers! Yummmy! They'd be even better if I had planted them myself, but I didn't plant any this year because. . . because I just didn't get to it like I should have. Anyhow, they are gorgeous and I bet they tasted awesome!
kayerj said…
yum, and yes it's a miracle :)
Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
Emily said…
yum! I love cucumber and cucumber salad! They certainly do grow fast don't they. Our neighbors have a fabulous veggie garden that is just overflowing...thank goodness they are generous! lol. I'm definitely planning on planting one next year.
Yummy!! Aren't they the best? I love the fact that you can grow your own. I have to buy at the store as my soil just won't grow vegetables out here in Phoenix. I have tried, and wasted water trying. I have been unsuccessful every time. Thanks for sharing. COuntry Hugs, Sherry
MomOf4 said…
This was fun! Enjoy your harvest!
scrappysue said…
summer salad here we come! just awesome. you must be so proud of your 'babies' lol
Isn't nature wonderful and holds so many spiritual truths. I love to look at the fruit of the vine and just marvel at what happened to that little seed!

I'm looking forward to the post that says, "Help, does anyone need some cucumbers!!"

Enjoy the fruits of your labors!!
Kim said…
Congrats on the cukes!
I'm a fan of them also. I like 'em any way I can get 'em.
It is so fun to see the fruits of your labors and to eat them! :)
Terri Tiffany said…
The pictures were beautiful! Looks like they could be in a cookbook! My husband's grandma and mom does that with cucumbers too--the vinegar thing--I occasionally do.
Your garden turned out lovely:) We tried doing it once when we moved here and disaster--bugs ate everything.
Diane Meyer said…
Those are darling babies. I love them with rice vinegar myself. Isn't it fun watching the future harvest grow?
Raise Them Up said…
What a fun post! We picked our first cucumber yesterday, too! Nothing beats a freshly picked salad. :)

Heidi said…
Where are you, Robin?

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