Restless Night...

I love having my bible on my phone, however, there are times when I need the physical turn of the page. When I need the weight of God’s Word upon my lap. There are times when I need to see my scribbles in the margins to be re-reminded of God's  promises in my life.

I did not sleep well last night.

Parenting is so hard, when they are infants, you think wow this is hard. You have to trust your gut because they can't tell you what is wrong. Toddlers, have mercy! I remember those days! Teenagers, can I get an AMEN!

I am kicking at the goads here.

Technically the Girlchild is an adult, but my momma instincts are still in full force.

In my head I think "If she would just do things my way.."

The reality is I have to trust the foundation we laid. 

You know who is at work placing images, thoughts and all manor of horrible things in my path.

She was off with friends last night, plus the potential of a new boyfriend, well I spent the night wrestling with my thoughts, praying and tossing and turning.

Another reality, she may be an adult in chronological age, but to me she is still my baby.

She returned home safe, a bit later than this momma would have preferred, but the young ones these days have different views on just about everything.

How do you loosen the parental reins, allow the freedoms that come with spreading their young adult wings, but maintain boundaries AND keep the lines of communication open.

It feels like juggling fire while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a pit of rattlesnakes.

No stress or pressure there....

This morning the phone just would not do. I needed to feel the page in my hands. I needed to see my highlights, read my notes in the margin, remember past tears and praises, hold for myself God’s unchangeable promise upon my lap.

Wrapping myself up in the word is the only way to protect against the arrows of you know who!!



Sarah said…
I am with you. Take a look at my post today... a bit similar. Except now I am sleeping GREAT. It gets better.
Robin Lambright said…
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Robin Lambright said…
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