My House is Quite

I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday, after 48 hours with Muffinhead, a trip to visit one of my accountability sisters who landed in the hospital, it's been a whirl of activities. I woke up to a very quiet house, a quiet house is a good thing.

One of my scriptures this morning was from Isaiah


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

I am inspired by the goal of perfect peace. I know that perfection is something I will only attain on the other side, but pondering on the concept of perfect peace brings me momentary peace.

The goal of having a steadfast mind is a HUGE struggle for me as well. Taking every thought captive is a difficult thing to do.

Not impossible, but it requires diligent effort on my part. Obedience is important as well. I was intrigued by a new show on television, we recently upgraded to a cable provider that has on demand. Love having the ability to watch what I want when I want. But I digress, after about the third episode I rapidly found out that the direction and content of the show was absolutely not something I needed to be watching. Now I have all this leftover residue popping in and out of my thoughts.

We live in a fallen and broken world. That's the reality,  what I choose to allow to influence my life and actions is also a reality. I can choose to strive for perfect peace or I can choose to let the evils of the world wash over me and bring chaos.

Today I am embracing the goal of perfect peace, anticipating the success of my first attempt at dill pickles, pondering what to do with the mound of Roma tomatoes piled on my kitchen counter, enjoying the memory of my granddaughter at the potters wheel for the first time and savoring the quiet along with my coffee.



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