Project 365 ~ Week 33

If Project 365 were a test then this week I get a “C” at the top of my page!

Only five out of seven pictures this week :(

Monday, August 9

Monday was a big day in the life of mother daughter transitional points. It was the first day of High School. Adjusting to the 6:15 A.M. bus arrival is still a bit new, but all in all her first week is now behind us. The only snafu she had was an error in her schedule that was corrected on Thursday.


That afternoon the last of my Disciple reference material arrived in the mail. I got them both for under $30.00 at I just love getting used books for a good price! The both arein very good shape, almost brand new. You can see a bit of damage to the cover of the Nelson’s Dictionaly but the Strong’s was brand new never been used and i snagged if for $5 bucks!



Wednesday, August 11

It was orientation for my Disciple I Class. Did I take a picture of my room all set up…NO! Did I have my camera…YES! I have to file that one under the category of the old brain can only focus on one important thing at a time and getting through the morning without any bouts of peri-menopausal brain farts was my prime concern.

I did get to spend the evening with my son and his family for dinner.

The cardboard box was a big hit. It was not only fun to play in but it was fun to play on as well!


Thursday, August 12

I took this picture not because I wanted to show you my Disciple preparations. I took it to actually share with one  of my Facebook friends. She and I worked together many years ago. I can’t remember who started the tradition but we would have a game of having a “Word for the Day”. We would look it up and then we would all try to incorporate that word in our conversations for that day. When I left that office as a going away gift she bought me a dictionary.



YES…that’s 1985….25 years ago!

As you can see by the binding it has been well used over the course of it’s long life.

Friday, August, 13

There were several of these big fat juicy, yes the hubs stepped on one so I can accurately testify to the adjective of juicy, caterpillars. They were attached to my parsley and generally munching it to the stalk.

They were dispatched in due fashion with a quick trip to the kitchen disposal. Their deaths were quick and hopefully painless.


Saturday, August 14

Did y’all cover your books when you were in school?

I’m not sure why this is such an issue for me but when and if I get a new hardback book the very first things I do is give it an good cover with my favorite roll of brown craft paper. I find it wonderfully soothing to see my uniform stack of book all covered in the peaceful simple brown paper.

It fills me with something, I’m not sure what but it meets an inner need of mine to have things that I can control all in order. I can’t control much but I can have my books covered with neat tidy peaceful brown paper.


I have been on a thrifty roll these last few trips to the grocery store.

My four favorite words “Reduced For Quick Sale” have been my best friend over at the Ingles meat section. I picked up two package of Flat Iron Steaks, and no I am not sure what that means exactly. However I gave them a quick sear off in my new cast iron skillet and sauté up some onions and green peppers then pilled that all up on a toasted hoggie roll and topped it with fontina and provolone cheese and gave it a nice toast in the broiler.

The onions and peppers were sweet and tender, the meats was pink and juicy and the cheese was creamy and “meltedy” (that is an official cooking term NOT that I herd Paula use it not to long ago on one of her shows).

It was real good y’all! You can bet that I will be keeping my eye out for more of those flat iron steaks from now on!


Well that’s it for me and this weeks photographic offerings! For more project 365 y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!





larkswing said…
6:15??? oh my, I always thought 6:30 was bad enough, but another 15 minutes earlier - ugh! Luckily this year, both boys are at the same high school and it is only 1 mile away - and my oldest drives. No more buses :) And that sandwich looks delish!
sara said…
we had to cover our books in school, but my kids never did. I remember spending the first day of class covering my books.

I am thinking the disposal was NOT a painless death....just saying. yuck.

I love flat iron steaks. They make wonderful fajitas!!
The Bug said…
Mmm - that sandwich looks good enough to eat! Which I guess is a good thing :)

We never covered our books in school. I'm not sure if I would have wanted to - I like to see them all looking different on the shelf. I can see that we're exact opposites!
Tori said…
A Strong's for $5 is a deal!
That caterpillar shot is great...thank you for only showing the before! :)
That sandwich looks delicious and I think meltedy is fun!
Glad the first week of HS went ok. I am sure she will do great! (is she covering her books?)
Have a super week!
Rebecca Jo said…
Look how beautiful your high schooler is! :)

I always loved book covers. Then you can add your own "style" which for me is tons of doodling & stickers!

That sandwich just made me wish lunch time was closer!
Sarah said…
Hey Robin - those are swallowtail caterpillars. They will eat up your parsley for sure, but they make beautiful butterflies as well. We actually caught a couple and hatched them a few years ago.

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