Project 365 ~ Week 31

Well as far diligence and consistency for the week go I have to say it was not one of my better attempts.

I missed three days this week.  The perils of summer I guess!

No pictures on Sunday, July 25

Monday, July 26

We had major thunderstorm activity on Monday. The trees in my yard were bent down nearly sideways. My lawn furniture was knocked over by the heavy winds. There were moments when the rain was coming down so strongly that when it hit the windows across the back of the house it sounded like someone throwing stone against the panes.


Sorry no pictures on Tuesday, July 27 either! No excuses …just no pictures!

Wednesday, July 28

The Black-eyed Susan's have finally started to bloom in the front yard. The are not very big but in another season of growing they will eventually fill out the whole front bed.


The purple cone flowers are giving off a few blooms as well as providing a pleasant afternoons rest for this sweet little insect fellow! And yes Mr. Whatever-He-Is just sat there and enjoyed having his picture taken.


Thursday, July 29

Well after doing some preliminary sketches and getting all my ducks in a row I have begun my new/old journey with my paintbrush. It doesn't look like much just yet but it is a start.

I am trying to take my time and not rush the process. I have the main color areas blocked, however each time I walk by this WIP I have thoughts such as “Hmmm, that’s not quite what I expected…” or “NOW what do I do?”

But it’s a start anyway!


Again no pictures on Friday, July 30

I did begin my Disciple Facilitator  Training Friday evening.

Saturday, July 31

The training continued on Saturday.

I will share that I am approaching this new path with mixed feelings of anxiety and eagerness. It has been 15 years since I originally took Disciple I and now I will be in the role of Facilitator this time round. I can safely share that after 15 years I feel certain that I can approach this study with a clean slate. I can’t remember what happen yesterday let alone something that happen 15 years ago.

I am very excited about the opportunity. Disciple I is an in-depth bible study that lasts for 34 weeks. In that 34 week time period we will read nearly 80% of the bible and get a very in-dept look at the intricate weaving together of God’s plan through out the Old and New testament.

It’s an awesome study and I am looking forward to the new treasures it will bring to my life as well as the new people who will be in the class with me. I know only three of the seven women that will be attend this class. Skoots1mom will be facilitating a class on Wednesday morning as well so I will have her experienced advice close at hand should things crash and burn.



Well pitiful as it was that was my week!

For more project 365’rs y’all head over to Sara’s and link up!

Thanks for stopping by and if I don't get over to your 365 later this afternoon I will catch up with you tomorrow morning!





I did Disciple I many years ago. It was intense, but I learned a lot. Enjoyed your beautiful pictures, especially the ones of the flowers. Hope you have a great week. Love & blessings from NC!
Thanks for sharing the pictures you were able to take this week... I have taken tons of pictures but haven't had the time to sit and post much.... so I finally got caught up today and just did a quick post.
sara said…
summer seems to be like it should I think!

my purple cone flowers are struggling in the heat!! they were so pretty for June but now are burning up.
RaD said…
I've been in storms like that before and they are no fun at all. Especially with the wind.

You have some beautiful flowers in your yard!
McCrakensx4 said…
Living in AZ we are in the middle of our monsoon season so we have been having storms like that for the last few days...this past week even brought hail!
Black-eyed susans are one of my fav flowers
Heidi said…
I'm interested in the painting. I already like it.
Tori said…
Storms are amazing Always reminds me of God's power.
Black eyed Susan's are one of my favorites. Hopefully we will plant some here next season.
Good for you and your facilitating! Praying God uses you in a mighty way with the participants and blesses you for your faithfulness.
Good to see your art coming along.
Have a super week!!
Your flower photos make me want to be a gardener. Downright inspiring is what they are!!

Glad you're beginning to paint again. I don't understand how painters think, but I DO understand the whole "process" thing. Kinda like I am spiritually.

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