Thankful Thursday ~ Intruder Alert


Y’all I was sitting at the ol’ desktop I miss my laptop so much catching up on some of my weekly reads when my ever faithful daytime companion, my sweet wonderful Buster went berserk!

He began barking his sweet little head off and at first I thought he was at the front door, but no.

I got up to investigate. He was standing in the hallway with his hackles raised literally. The hairs on his back were standing straight up and he was barking for all his 24 pounds would allow. He was hunkered down ready to pounce at the offending intruder in my bedroom. I walked a bit further into my room with a bit of hesitations to what could be upsetting him so. Maybe a small mouse or other creature had found it’s way  into our suburban abode.

His barking erupts again and he is pacing back and forth with more agitation and I finally realize what all the fuss is about.

Would you like to see the intruder?












My CD player that is normally safely hidden underneath the table cloth with it’s bright red glowing eyes and its’ grey knobby ears.

I am thankful for my sweet protector from all thing electronic!

I had to laugh and then I had to share it with all of you.

For more thankful Thursday’s head over to Greg’s General Store.




HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I am sitting at my desk laughing!! So cute! I am very happy that you have such a great little protector!! :o)
Sandy said…
Thank you for the laugh!

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