Random Dozen

Well here goes it for this week!

1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party?

Probably attend, however hosting would not be an issue either. Y’all know me, move out of my way and hand me an apron and I’m good to go! It’s all about the pre prep work and having a plan!

2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to.

From time to time my accountability sisters and I will have the occasional gathering. We have a new years day brunch every year, sometimes we will get together for various other holidays or for a birthday and sometimes we will just get together for nor reason at all. We all bring something and just enjoy each others company. We will laugh, eat, fellowship, maybe play a game of Wii, or a board game, card game etc.

It doesn't have to be fancy or elaborate it just has to be time spent together!

As we are closing out these evenings we linger and find it difficult to part from one another because we don't want the evening to end. That is what I call memorable!

3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life?

Aside from the “Eternal Paradise” and “New Body” concept of living happily ever after in the glow of Chris perfect love….when I think of heaven I think of perfection and perfect peace with maybe a side order of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans cooked with a ham bone, buttermilk biscuits and jam and and a big ol’ bowl of home made peach cobbler and home made vanilla ice cream for desert which could all be eaten without fear of a spreading waistline.

There are no calories in heaven, that’s what I’m hoping for!

4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine?

The way it feels on you skin, the warmth, the sense that you are getting filled up with something wonderful, that is until I begin to glow with the sheen of perspiration then it’s time to seek the comfort of a large umbrella, a heavy duty fan and a tall cold glass of ice tea!

5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift?

I like to bring my own gift! However I have gone in on gifts before. I think it’s whatever the situation demands and how much money you have to spend!

6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family?

I’ll take a free house cleaning any time any where, no questions asked!

7. What song describes your mood today?

“Sometime's you feel like a nut, yeah-yeah-yeah,sometime's you don't. Ba-whoop,” again y’all know me I’m about the least musically literate person I know. Silence is golden around my house!

8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use? (If you are not married, feel free to sub a gift you received a long time ago.)

One of my biggest regrets is that I did not pick out a china pattern when we got married. At the time I did not see the need of feel that that was important. I did not own a china cabinet or have a dinning room set, nor did I foresee getting one in the very near future.

I still have the champagne glasses from our wedding. I also have a small square engraved platter. It has our names on it and the date of our wedding. I may have used it a few time but not very often.


The tall slender champagne flutes of today were not in fashion back in the day. These are the old timey wide rimed glasses. They have our names engraved on one side and the date on the other!

IMG_2102 IMG_2103

I may just give those champagne glasses a quick rinse and use them for an anniversary toast when the hubs returns in a few days. Sound like a plan……

9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is?

This is like asking me to pick a favorite child or bible verse, I am wondering if it can even be done???

Coffee Ice Cream, Moose Tracks, Mocha, Vanilla, Chocolate, Butter Pecan….

However I will share that I have finally gotten my family brainwashed into thinking that Mayfield Vanilla Frozen Yogurt really is “Ice Cream” , Publix has some wonderful Frozen Yogurt but sadly I very rarely shop there as I find there prices a bit high for me.

10. When was the last time you felt "tested?"

  1. Take the elevator or walk up the stares?
  2. Have the cookie or drink the water?
  3. Order the  salad or get the chicken wings?
  4. Sleep in or get up and go to the workout room!
  5. Watch the morning news or have my quiet time?
  6. Balance the check book or talk on the phone?
  7. Check my email or sort the junk mail?
  8. Play Farmville or unload the dishwasher?
  9. Smile and take a deep breath or say what I’m really thinking?

That about does it for today…tomorrow will be a whole new list of testing moments…

11. "Once I start eating Jelly Beans I find it really hard to stop." I only buy them periodically because I simply can not resist them. I will say that this past Easter season I felt like I had been transporter to an alternate universe because every time I went into any story, Wal-Mart, CVS, Walgreen’s any story you pick one, the Brack’s Jelly beans were GONE!

12. "Praise is the best motivation.”

That’s it for my Random Dozen.

If you want to see what everyone else is saying this week head over to 2nd Cup of Coffee for more!





Joyce said…
Loved your list! That was good : )

I'm with you on free housecleaning...I'd never turn that down. Have a great day!
Girl, I love me some buttermilk biscuits!
Susanne said…
I think I still have my wedding goblets hanging around somewhere. I'll have to look. I so hope there are no calories in heaven too.
Jerralea said…
You and I thought alike on #3!

It was really a hard choice on free housecleaning or free cooking!

Enjoyed your answers ...
I love reading everyones answers.
You like you ice cream, yum! So you are tested often. ((HUGS))
Love the glasses.
Absolutely loved #3! Amen!

And your list is great! It's always fun to see your answers!
Skoots1moM said…
lots of amens to your answers...
Kim said…
Definitely NO calories in heaven! LOL

Enjoyed your answers -- still giggling.

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