Just So Ya Know!
I am proud to announce that I went to lunch with skoots1mom today after bible study and did in fact manage to make it through the entire meal without biting anyone’s head off, making any additional request or loosing my mind in any way. (If you would like a blow by blow description of my mental breakdown of last week you may click here!) I enjoyed my sushi, had pleasant conversation and managed to maintain my mental composure. I did however run over a squirrel on my way home after lunch, but in my own defense that was an accident and in reality it was the car in front of me that actually hit the poor little thing I just finished him off as I rolled over him a second time.
Have a nice day....
- thanks for the cheerio and also for the lesson on lettuce- I too have found myself being unglued over small matters and yes, the Lord always opens a door for me to apologise-- hugs from Meme
i've posted my 6 for today...
CONSIDER yourself TAGGED for "6 random things about yourself"