Time for a change...
Several years ago I made a Locks of Love donation, I am not sure what promoted me to do it other than a desire for a free hair cut and an even stronger desire for a drastic change in my appearance. Since then I have made a total of four donations, it takes me anywhere from 18 months to two years to grow out the required ten inches. I know on several occasions I have donated several additional inches beyond the required 10". If I had to estimate I would say that I have over all donated a total of 60" of hair.
Fore some reason I am blessed with a very thick head of hair and it seems to grow very quickly. So whats to think about, I do not have to exert any effort to make it grow and after a time it can benefit someone else. Over all it is a total no brainer.
Sadly I think I may have reached the threshold for my own personal well being as well as my internal temperature control. Allowing it to grow out for a fifth donation may not be the best idea. I have found that as I looked at myself in the mirror with all "that" hair I began to feel a bit foolish approaching 50 years old with waist length hair not to mention that the really long gray ones were really (really, really, really) getting on my nerves.
So here is the new me!

Don't ya just love those lovely gray streak down the back!!!
Taaa Daaaa!
My daughter has donated twice so far. Like mother like daughter I guess. Her hair seems to grow just as quickly and is just as thick. I have to wonder if she continues to donate how many prosthetic hair pieces will she contribute to and how many children or other individuals will benefit from this small act of service.
She did this donation in just before thanksgiving last year.
(edit: I forgot to mention that this is the I'm only smiling because you are insisting that my picture must be taken smile, and if you don't mind please get on with it cause I got stuff to do look!!!!)
Now that the gray are a more manageable length I am toying with the idea of coloring it, a 7th random thing and something else I have never done before either.
I'm gonna wash that gray right outta my hair......
God blessed you with that hair for a reason.
Love Granny