My house is quiet…

The DD had a sleepover last night so even the dog is sacked out upstairs, the hubs is off to his Men’s Small Group that meets every Saturday and I am sitting on the sofa listening to the oven pre-heat.
My insulated thermal coffee carafe mysteriously has water sloshing around in it and for the life of me I can not figure out how it got in here, life is full of the unexplainable.
My day is full of my favorite things, I am having and after thanksgiving Thanksgiving, only abbreviated. Since I did no cooking beyond tossing a pie in the oven to take to my SIL for the actual day ofTthanksgiving I am suffering the aftereffect of Thanksgiving withdraw….no leftovers! We feasted on imaginary turkey peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yesterday. I have an abbreviated menu planned for this evening.
Pork Roast with Apricot Glaze
Sausage & Cranberry Dressing
Honey & Orange Glazed Sweet Potatoes
Homemade Applesauce
Spiced Cranberry Sauce
Steamed Asparagus
I will get the pork roast on to marinate in a few minutes, and then I get to cook in my own kitchen to my hearts content………but since I have been san computer for that last few days I wanted to at least take advantage of the peace and quite with a bit of blogindulgance…..
The hubs gets a gold star this year, last week I told y’all that he brought home a new desktop, they had upgraded all the computers at his office and then they let the employees purchase the use equipment for a steal….well…not only did he take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade our desktop but I am now able to blog and surf to my heart content and not have to fight the DD for PC time…….I have new laptop! It was a really good Birthday present!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so missing my old laptop and thankfully my thoughtful husband snagged one of the office laptops for me. Gotta love it when they upgrade cause I reap the leftovers, and this leftover is way better than even a cheaper models that are offered in the stores right now. I have to admit that I was coveting a new one but knew that we simply could not afford one. Yea for a company upgrade.
It will take me a few days to get used to the smaller keyboard. My fingers are lying all over the places hitting all the wrong keys but then that is what spell check is for.
Lastly, do y’all have your files backed up online? I recently purchased an online backup service called Carbonite. It was only $59.00 for unlimited back up of all our files. While I enjoy the peace of mind of know that all my pictures are protected in case of a fire, flood or other unexpected digital disaster. However, I have been less than impressed with the proceed of restring your files to the new PC. Not to mention that it took nearly a month to get all the files backed up the first time. It is going on one full week and all my files still have not completely retransferred to the new PC. It is a bit cumbersome. Not to mention that there have been several instances where it gets accidentally closed out and then I have to start over. It has been a pain…….
All things considered I think $59.00 is a decent price to pay to protect your documents but right now I have the old PC hooked up and  am manually transferring all the files and so far it has taken less than an hour…….
Well I’m off the enjoy my kitchen!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
PS: I hope to have all my pictures restored today so I can get my P365 post up tomorrow………..


Kathleen said…
It's pretty quiet here, too; especially since I have not engaged in any Black-Friday-ish.

We purchased a stand alone file storage system from Best Buy for about $89. Every so often I download my files & photos onto it.
Skoots1moM said…
ask him if they have any more laptops...would love to buy another one..this one is horrible
Mary said…
Enjoy your quietness! Most of our stuff is backed up online, except for my quicken, which I have on a thumbdrive.
Quiet can be a wonderful blessing. We had a great Thanksgiving with all the good "eats." Even had a last-minute guest whose travel plans didn't work out.


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