Random Dozen #10

Joining in on the Random Dozen fun this week with Lid over at 2nd Cup of Coffee

1. It's early morning, about 2:00AM, and you're driving home. You come to a red light and sit there. There is no one in sight for miles around. Do you wait it out or run the light?

If my reasoning skills are still functioning at this hour I would probably sit and wait for the light to turn red.

2. If you had the chance to re-do the last 24 hours, would you change anything?

Yes! I would have checked the dog food bag and called my husband before heading out to the Wal-Mart. Now I have to go back for deodorant and we are nearly out of dog food, DRAT!

3. When you reply to someone's comment on your blog, do you reply in your comments or go to her blog and comment? (Or email her)

Just a sticky pet peeve of mine, but I wish everyone would have there email enabled on blogger. If I see a comment with the noreply-comment@blogger.com it frustrates me. I may not always want to respond to a comment but when I do I want to be able to respond right away. I don't want to have to take the time to look on their profile for an email address. Then once I've looked and it isn't listed well then that just send me over the edge, well not really over the edge we are still talking about blogging, not world peace or the nuclear disarmament, but anywhoo…

4. Your favorite Disney movie is:

Beauty and The Beast, I love a happy ending!

5. Do you recycle?


6. Games of strategy or games of chance?

I can play a mean game of spider solitaire, I love trivial pursuit, I don't understand poker, and I usually loose at Clue, my new favorite is Picturekia, but I love Janga, word puzzles…

7. Do you have any recurring dreams?

No! I usually don’t remember my dreams :(

8. What did you learn from your first real job?

I will fall back on my ever faithful “How am I supposed to remember that far back???” but my first real job was at a local newspaper in the layout department. That was back in the dark ages when they still placed all the type and pictures in place by hand, with a real person attached to the hand, not a mouse or keypad in sight. We ran all the text and pictures through a waxing machine and the the pieces of paper would get a light coating of hot wax on the back. This allowed you to be able to reposition the text and pictures easily. It did however get all over your hands, clothing, and anything else you came in contact with.

What did I learn?

Getting wax out is pain in the patuttie!

I also learned how to be a grown up, how to be responsible for managing my money, how to set up a budget, how to get to work on time, that food cost money, having fun cost money, clothing cost money.

My first real job brought with it an opportunity for me to be out on my own, that was something that I had dreamed of for a long time! It was good y’all!

9. Do you buy or borrow most books?

Both, I borrow lots of book from friends. But if I really like a book I will buy a copy for myself. I enjoy re-reading my favorites.

10. What fashion trend of the past did you say you'd never wear again but did?

What’s a fashion trend? Can you get that at the Goodwill? Y’all I am so not into that, “On Sale” is my fashion trend!

11. When do you start Christmas shopping?

I have already picked up a few things!

12. Have you ever been so happy that you literally jumped up and down for a few seconds? If so, what was the occasion?

YES! I am easily entertained. I would get so excited when a cucumber would appear in my garden or a baby tomato that I would be doing the happy dance in my purple bathrobe in the backyard. But wait there is usually more. I would want to share my glee, I would then run into the house and make the DD or the hubs come outside to gaze upon my happiness, then I would take a picture of it so I could relentlessly share it with al of you…

And for the record what is the point of being the mother of a teenager if you can’t regularly try to embarrass her by bursting into song and doing a happy jig when something wonderful happens like oh let’s say…anything!


Happy Random Dozen



Joyce said…
Oh you and me on #3 are completely in synch : )

Also, #12 made me laugh...just this morning there were four deer in our back garden and the full moon was shining so I could see them and I had to go tell my husband who was still in bed...he did get up to look but when I continued to give him updates on what the deer were doing he finally said, 'Too much talking' and closed the door. I can't help it. I'm easily excited.

Have a great day!
Susanne said…
Your answers are great. They made me laugh. Especially the fashion trends. I'm am sooo with you on that one!
Heidi said…
Hmm. I don't know if my e-mail is enabled and I never thought about it. Perhaps I will go enable it. I was probably afraid of spam or virus catching or trojans and didn't enable it. But if it will make you happy :)

Yes, I remember your thrill at the cucumber in the garden- me too! And on sale is my fashion for the most part, too. It's just that Fashionista is my daughter, so she keeps me somewhat current, I guess.
Heidi said…
Hmm. I don't know if my e-mail is enabled and I never thought about it. Perhaps I will go enable it. I was probably afraid of spam or virus catching or trojans and didn't enable it. But if it will make you happy :)

Yes, I remember your thrill at the cucumber in the garden- me too! And on sale is my fashion for the most part, too. It's just that Fashionista is my daughter, so she keeps me somewhat current, I guess.
Skoots1moM said…
jumping for cucs...love it!!
Melli said…
ROFL! You and I are SO alike on #12!!! I did INDEED jump - for my cukes AND my peppers! I think I just smiled big for my tomatoes! (I've grown them before...) My peppers were especially jump worthy!

Yea... the fashion thing. I had thought I MIGHT come across an answer that I could relate to today... but it turns out that most of us have never been all that fashion conscious! GOOD for US!!!
SouthLakesMom said…
I remember the wax newspaper columns from when I was the editor of the law school newspaper. It was a PAIN! Thanks so much for reminding me of how grateful I am for word processing!

And I so agree with #12, but I have the teen son as well as the daughter! We ought to get something for the pain, right?

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