National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Yes it’s true!

Just sharing the bloggy love for all interested parties. Y’all check out Marsha’s Kitchen for this dipped in chocolate piece of blog heaven! Sound like to much sweet dipped in chocolate fun!

Dipped in Chocolate Blessings


Let’s just use the phrase dipped in chocolate one more time shall we!


Good Morning Robin.
How sweet to share this morning with the Dipped In Chocolate blog. I will stop by and have a chocolate or two, and tell her Robin sent me. Love the pics.

Stop by and say hi. I have a lovely story to share today.

Country hugs, Sherry
larkswing said…
Oh my! That sounds wonderful . . . Smiles!
Marsha said…
Thanks for the heads up to your readers. I am happily experimenting for the upcoming holiday after all practice makes perfect ;)
Kathleen said…
That made me chuckle! All I could think of was: I'd gladly be a dip in chocolate. :)

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