Lost and Found

How do you guarantee you will find something you lost?


  1. Order the replacement part online.
  2. Receive the placement part in the mail.
  3. Attach new stylus to cell phone.
  4. Go to meeting at church and use new stylus multiple times.
  5. Return home from meeting and sit on sofa enjoy a handful of Licorice Jelly Beans.
  6. Spill a handful of Licorice Jelly Beans in-between the sofa cushions.
  7. Retrieve Jelly Beans as well as the lost stylus for my cell phone which had fallen down into the deep recess of my sofa.

I even commented to my husband after I ordered my replacement stylus “You just watch! As soon as it gets here I will find my old one!”





Skoots1moM said…
here's what i'd do now:

write a note to myself saying "My replacement stylus is in _____________"...then hang it on my fridge so I'd know WHERE to find it next time I LOSE it :D

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