Technical Issues Persist, Recovering for a Shattering Defeat, Extreme Weather Predicted and a New Carnival

I'm all over the place this moring, so hang on!!!!!!!

I think my minor technical difficulties have allowed me the much needed time to recover from the shame and humiliation I faced at my crushing defeat in the recent Ugly Mug Contest.  However life goes on and I must put this staggering tragedy behind me and move on to a new day. But before I take the high ground and accept my defeat with dignity I will say that for future contests I feel we must insist upon a revamping of the rules. Specifically and most importantly one must indeed have proof of ownership of said ugly mug at the time of the contest. With such valuable (Starbucks & Chocolate, the two main food groups) and worthy prizes on the line the possibilities for misinterpretation are simply too great. Now that that’s off my chest I gracefully accept my defeat and hold my head high with the knowledge that it is better to have entered an ugly mug content and lost than to have never entered a contest at all……


Moving on...In a stop gap measure, my computer issues still remain unresolved but I m able to continue to use it (hooked up to the docking station) until I can get it fixed. I must say that I have been disappointed in the lever of apathy I have received from the various IT people I have talked to. No one (and this consist of exactly two people who I have consulted with as to the nature of my technical problem) seems to grasp the seriousness of my life-crisis! Alas I forge ahead in search of a compassionate computer geek to take pity on me and offer the timely and cost effective help required. Until then I remained chained to the desk at interment times during the day as the battery life of my laptop is shameful (old). 

Moving on….after watching Lid’s video knee deep in snow (better her than me) I have to share with you that the meteorologist are all a flutter here in the south. There is a front approaching and the forecast for “Extreme Winter Weather” is on the horizon.

We were giggling about that last night in my weekly accountability meeting. In the south we take these predictions very seriously. Now you have to factor in that in the south we get all excited about a mere 1/8 of an inch of snow and the very hint of ice sends the D.O.T. and School Board’s into emergency status. The local television stations will all have the continuous information tickers at the bottom of the screen with minute by minute updates to the school & business closings as well as near twenty four hour television coverage. I anticipate that my mid day tomorrow there will be  shortage of milk and bread on all the shelves at the grocery story. I myself plan to stop at the store later on to pick up the necessary foodstuffs to insure that we will not get caught with out the vital supplies. You may think that this list would include such things as rock salt or additional batteries, but no for me the necessary must have items are vey small…..marshmallows and hot chocolate. The rest will work it’s self out as the predicted ice melts.

We all wait on pins and needles for the barometric pressure to drop and the wind currents to shift, we will be watch the weather channel with baited breath and the children across this stare will be praying in earnests for the possibility of school closings.


Moving on...I have to tell ya, I find that there are so many wonderful creative folks out there in blogland. Today over at “2nd Cup of Coffee” Lid introduced us to a new Blog Carnival hosted by “5 Minutes for Mom’s”, “Say it Forward” I have to say that I really love this idea. The dilemma….who to pick first. I will be pondering on this and I would encourage you all to be thinking about all the wonderful folks who stop by to comment on your blog as well. 

What a Great idea!!!!


Well I’m off to make myself a latte and check the pantry to make sure we will not starve during the Blizzard.





Oh, Robin, I'm so honored to be mentioned in the post, and yet, feel so guilty! I know, I wanted everyone to own their mugs before the contest, too, but EVERYONE was saying, "I don't have no ugly mug, lady." And I foresaw humiliation on my part from being the lady with the contest that had zero entrants. So I caved. Anywho, it was fun, wasn't it??
Skoots1moM said…
maybe we'll get to post a 'snow' video like liddie's, walking around our houses, showing the backporch...she's so funny...i would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with her sometime...maye we can take a roadtrip to IN after the kids are grown and we're empty-nesters...
Skoots1moM said…
"to be bated or not-to-be baited?"
i'm still giggling...
baited hooks, little worms or tied,feathery flies hanging off our tongues--
i'm sure it was a silly, blogging enjoy words like I do...
"The earliest citation of the phrase is from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, 1596:
"With bated breath, and whispring humblenesse."...a shortened form of abated (meaning - to bring down, lower or depress).
Kim said…
I'm so glad you've been able to move past this staggering tragedy Robin. It speaks of your extreme courage in the face of daunting odds!

You must now call on that courage to defeat the evil IT personages that now, even NOW, hasten to thwart your every attempt to return whole and unscathed from the outer reaches of a land far, far from Bloggyville!
larkswing said…
Ahhh man, you have a better chance of snow than me!! I am one of those crazies who gets all excited about the possibility of snow! And I am so glad they order snow days for schools when it sputters a few snow flakes! Well since I have kids and that use to allow me to play in the flurries too!

I don't want to live in it, but I do miss playing in it!

Go get your marshmallows! :)
Marian Dean said…
We are waiting with more than bated breath for an expected snowfall here in the UK.. (yes, I know our favourite subject is the weather!)
Everything usually stops for a few flakes of snow. However I just like to get the camera out and take the opportunity to get some good shots for my Snow Album--- yes I have an album just for snow scenes.
Love your blog, just found it this morning.
Love Granny (*!*)
Terri Tiffany said…
I understand that bread and milk phenomenom--every hurricane we get it happens!LOL
Sorry you didn't win the ugly mug contest--I agree yours was downright ugly and did my best to vote for you:)
Ruthie said…
Oh my - too bad about the mug.
Hope your computer issues are can be so frustrating.
Have a great week.
Robin, this post is too funny.

I am one of those who ATTEMPTED to find an ugly mug, mainly because I felt sorry for Lid. I love her dearly and couldn't let her be humiliated. :-) However, I found nothing ugly enough to spend money on, so I didn't enter.

You, however, still have something to smile about: at least your ugly mug apparently isn't so ugly after all...maybe, just maybe, you really have a cute mug! :-P

Gonna go board the windows and salt the drive. lol

Have a great day!
Skoots1moM said…
i'm game for a latte'...
i have bible study tomorrow, then home to get ready for "prayershare"/summit to be at our house...i'm expecting 30-40 teens from 7pm until 8:30pm

i'm making bbq'd meatballs and some other snacky stuff tomorrow afternoon

it's word verification below is "hosta"...i will be "hosta-ing tomorrow night" ha ha

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