Out of Sorts - Part II

I initially thought when I started this blog it was just on a whim. A friend of mine at church had a blog and for reasons unknown to me at the time I simply wanted one. 

It sounded like fun. 

The desire that God has placed upon my heart to express myself through the written word is very strong at times, overwhelming even. In any event there are moments when I just know, when a piece of scripture comes to me and it unfolds for me in a special way. When this happens I need to prop the old laptop upon my knee and get to typing. 

However lately my focus, or lack there of has shifted a bit. 

I read so many wonderful blogs all of which are either interesting, witty, hilarious, deeply spiritual, enlightening or thought provoking. This intern spurs in me a desire to approach my blog with the same fervor and commitment. 

The only problem with my desire to be witty, profound, deeply spiritual or thought provoking was hindered by one very simple thing. 

I could not find my coffee scoop. 

Ya'll remember my new Christmas toy

Well on a brighter spot in my day I have been totally enjoying exploring the joys of being able to make my own afternoon Latte’s. The simple pleasure of listening to the steam gurgling and watching the milk froth up all white and foamy brings joy to my hormonally saturated soul. 

But I digress, back to the more pressing issue of the missing coffee scoop. The Espresso & cappuccino maker came with a small black coffee scoop which has a flat bottom which is perfect for tamping the coffee grounds down into the small basket. This being a necessary part of the espresso making process. I am not sure why tamping down the ground is important but it is. 

For the last few days I have been on a near obsessive search for this coffee scoop. It had vanished off the face of the earth. I had done an extensive search of every kitchen drawer, every utensil caddy, in the bottoms of cabinets. Fear washed over me at the thought that it had slipped out of the silverware caddy in the dishwasher and had met an untimely demise having landed upon the heating element in the bottom of my dishwasher. 

I looked through all the drawers in my kitchen twice (it was more like five or six times, but that sonds really, really obsessive), I enquired with my DD if she had seen it and then bless her little heart even she was pulled into my obsession as she began to re-search the drawers in the kitchen. 

In an act of desperation I turned to the hubby. “Have you seen the coffee scoop that came with my new toy?” 

He looks at me for a very brief few second, not even a few second as his next questions was almost instantaneous “Have you looked in the coffee bag?” 

I walked over the refrigeration and in my shame opened the door and reached in for the small blue bag. Yes, a quick squeeze of the bag and all was revealed. 

My coffee scoop! 

I am now wondering if I in fact actually do have a working brain. 

In all the drawer searching, cabinet rearranging, retracing my steps and lamenting over the possible fate of my coffee scoop I never once thought to look in the coffee bag. 

Coffee scoop…..coffee bag…… 

I aspire to one day be able to function in any way that resemble normalcy. I wait with great anticipation for my hormones to stop wreaking havoc on my emotional well being, my ability to process normal things such as memory retrieval as well as the sudden urges to run innocent people over with my mini van to subside. 

I am contemplating changing the name of my blog to “Shut Up, Get Out Of My Face, What Was I Just Doing and Why is it so HOT in HERE” 

Other than that I am juuuuuuust fine!


Gwendolyn said…
LOL...poor thing. I'm like this all the time lately too. I'm just glad that I have an unflappable husband that hasn't thrown me out of the house yet. And I can't find ANYTHING. It's so very sad.
Lisa Spence said…
Looking forward to the days of normalcy myself...

*asking self if normalcy actually exists and would I know it if I saw it*

Sometimes I leave measuring cups in my flour and sugar jar. Didn't do that when I was ... gulp ... younger. Love the ugly mug pic! You rock!
Kim said…
I am 50. I figure my last year of "normal" was age 40. I no longer have any expectations. I just want to get through each day with as much of my dignity intact as is possible. Which is sometimes minimal considering my level of communication at this point in the game. Called anyone a cow by accident lately?
Debbie said…
I've done things like that a million times. Do not let it worry you. You didn't think to look there because you are not used to people putting things away where they belong. (At least that is the excuse I always use.)

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