15 minute of my life…gone forever or at least for the next 42 days
There are many (many) things in life that make me shake my head in utter confusion. Some of these things I have the ability to simply let go off with the understanding that in the grand scheme of things there are aspects of life that I am never gong to understand, nor do I want to understand them.
Then there are other things that make absolute no sense to me at all.
Things that make me nuts…..
Several years ago I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux. At the time I was written a prescription for a name brand medication by my physician which after some time eventually made life bearable again. No more sleepless nights being kept awake by a painful burning sensation which nothing would eliminate. No more running in fear from the mere sight of just about anything on a plate. Life was good again!
In November 2002 (I had to look it up on the internet to find out just when it went OTC) the FDA approved the production of a generic medication for acid reflux.
Now this in itself is not that remarkable. It could be considered a good thing as my days of refilling a monthly prescription were over.
Now however I am forced to wonder certain things.
Why for instance is it now impossible for me to purchase the equivalent of a 30 day supply?
I can purchase a 14 day supply or a 42 day supply, but not a 30 day supply…can someone explain this to me.
Why was it previously perfectly acceptable to package said medication in a simple brown bottle which now has been replaced by multiply seven day blister packs.
It isn’t just the blister packs mind you, it is the fact that each 14 day supply is in its very own little box and then the drug manufacturers take three of these boxes and stack them up and then repackage them into a larger box. Now each 14 day supply has with it a set of instructions. Not just one set of instructions but three set of instruction in the same box.
So let’s do the math shall we.
Good ol’days …one bottle = 30 day supply
Today…2 large boxes + 6 small boxes + 6 identical sets of instructions + 12 – 7 day blister packs + one pair of kitchen scissors = 42 day supply
As I sat at my kitchen table this after noon diligently cutting open all 12 blister packs it occurred to me that I have missed the whole point of this 42 day process.
Think of the possibilities in architecture...
I guess if they help, it has to be worth the trouble to dig them out!