God's Word for Today

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Goober Award

In recognition of my extreme ignorance and lack of computer savvy I have here by awarded myself the first annual and highly coveted “Goober Award”.
The newly appointed reverend pointed out that I have the power to solve my own problem, who knew! Apparently not me. I am giddy with the power. I no longer have to squint until my head aches. With a click of my mouse I have control over my little universe and it has gone to my head. I want larger type, click and I have it. Click, click, and click. Thank you Jesus and whatever Microsoft programmer thought about putting this miraculous button at the top of my page, and a big thank you to the new reverend most high for sharing this wonderful solution with me. If all life’s problems could be solve this easily and by the way where can I get a button like that for my life.

If you are interested in submitting someone you love for this highly desired recognition, I will be accepting applications for consideration for other individuals that you feel are worthy of this honorable recognition.

1 comment:

Cyndy said...

Peas, peas, eating goober peas! I didn't know you could do that either...it's a totally cool feature! I will be using it in the future...so having said that...I nominate myself!

Thank you for adding me to your blogroll!:D

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